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General Discussion / Problem with the Add to Cart button
« on: October 16, 2024, 07:31:12 PM »
Problem with the Add to Cart button,,, on the French side it doesn't work, on the English side it works. I looked at the language side, nothing on that side,, can someone help me?

Installation and Configuration / Can't connect to my control panel
« on: February 27, 2024, 06:14:40 PM »
I know this question has been asked before, but has it really been answered? it's easy for someone who is used to it, who is good at programming, but for someone who simply wants to open a store it's a little more difficult. Here is my problem: (Your server is unable to create a session necessary for AbanteCart functionality. Check logs for exact error details and contact your hosting support administrator to resolve this error.) I can't find the solution, although I tried everything, I don't know what's going on! yesterday during the day I could enter my control panel, last night I couldn't! what happened? (nothing) error file:

core/helper/system_check.php on line 577
/admin/controller/pages/index/login.php on line 118
/core/engine/dispatcher.php on line 306
/core/engine/dispatcher.php on line 341
/core/engine/page.php on line 108

except there is no error! I understand that it's a free CMS, but why is it buggy like that?

The solution of changing session.use_trans_sid = Off does not work.

The database files are identical to two later dates, nothing found.

My web host (technical support) doesn't understand why it doesn't work, he actually finds it weird!

Now I'm going to try to replace all the files at the root!

If anyone can give me a helping hand, it won't be too much, thank you very much.

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