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Messages - Yormas1995

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Support / Re: Ayuda para colocar logo whatsapp flotante
« on: October 30, 2024, 01:51:30 PM »
I haven't been able to do it. You help me by collaborating with me exactly how I do it. Give me the code that I have to enter since the one I have doesn't work for me. Please help me do it. step by step

Support / Ayuda para colocar logo whatsapp flotante
« on: October 25, 2024, 03:05:38 PM »
How do I add a floating WhatsApp button to my page. I have the code that I should paste in INDEX.HTML but I don't know where I should paste it correctly since the index.html that I am editing, which would be the main one on my website, gives me an error. someone help me where to paste it

los codigos a pegar serian los siguientes

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="storefront/style.css">



  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<a href=", me gustaria Obtener más información" class="float" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-whatsapp my-float "></i>


Support / Re: Errors after updating help
« on: September 21, 2024, 03:06:58 PM »
I have to install abantecart again but in a folder on the hosting server and there I go little by little editing it until I have it to move it to the public_html folder. The truth is I have to do everything again since what I had with the previous version was damaged almost everything. ! how truly sad

Support / Re: Errors after updating help
« on: September 19, 2024, 12:15:17 PM »
Hi, I've solved the problem. The thing is the following. I was looking at the Abantcart demo and the design is perfect, but mine is not right. For example, the testimonials are all disorganized, and the About Us section is also disorganized. I haven't been able to place the banner because it's all out of place. Everything happened since I updated it. Everything was great before the update.

Support / Errors after updating help
« on: September 07, 2024, 04:46:41 PM »
Hello group. After updating abantcart I have been experiencing problems.

*When opening some of the articles I get the following error image
as sometimes it opens but does not reload.

*The bottom part of the page also appears disorganized

The first photo I attached is of the error in the article and the second of what I get disorganized. As well as the bottom part of the banner that was above where

Help me with the testimonials section. It no longer has the rotating effect that it had before. All the text appears placed there as if it were a paragraph.

Support / Re: ayuda al cambiar el logo .ico
« on: June 23, 2024, 04:30:18 PM »
It's been like this for days and there's no sign of the change. How long does that take approximately?

Support / ayuda al cambiar el logo .ico
« on: June 20, 2024, 11:30:28 PM »
Hi, in the administration settings
/appearance everything is perfect with my logo

I also went to the address
and there I replaced the files

I placed my icons as is with the same measurements, names and png format. And I still can't get them to appear. I already cleared the cache from the administrative panel settings. Can someone help me? I've done everything.

Support / Re: help with currency
« on: June 20, 2024, 11:24:38 PM »
My currency would be Colombian. It is COP
It is handled in the following way, for example
1,000 pesos
5,000 COP
10,000 COP

Support / Re: help with currency
« on: June 13, 2024, 09:19:32 PM »
Hello. I haven't been able to solve that yet. Could you help me step by step on how to do it? Thank you.

Support / Re: help with currency
« on: May 01, 2024, 11:05:30 AM »
hello . I really don't understand what you want to tell me. Go to the page administration and enter the search engine (product page and content page) and the truth is, nothing comes up. I don't know exactly where it tells me. If you explain to me in detail, I would appreciate it.

Support / Re: help with currency
« on: April 30, 2024, 09:41:24 AM »
And in this case what could I do to correct it. thank you

Support / help with currency
« on: April 29, 2024, 10:39:15 PM »
Help with the coin as seen in the photo. At the end it says that it is 149,999.00 dollars... And I have the COP currency, so I don't understand why I get that one there if I have everything as COP in currencies and the system

Another thing I would like to know is how to change that logo that appears there on Google.
The icons are already visible in the store configuration. I don't understand that either

Support / Re: help with main menu / go to
« on: April 29, 2024, 10:29:39 PM »
and where do I change where ice main menu. I also have to change that to Spanish

Support / help with main menu / go to
« on: April 28, 2024, 07:13:28 PM »
hello. I tell you.
When I open the website from a browser on a PC or laptop, the page opens in a different way and completely in Spanish, everything opens perfectly.

but when I open it on mobile phones it appears as the page I am attaching.
I have doubts
where I change the text of that button that says main menu. and the one below that says go to...
I need to change that to Spanish so they can understand since the website is in Latin America.

english: go to
Spanish: ir a

Support / Re: help with registry error
« on: April 28, 2024, 01:54:42 PM »
hi there. I don't know what I did but I solved the problem. I have no errors so far. thank you

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