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Messages - GazCBG

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When viewing the site on a mobile, you get 3 lines, that open the main menu links.
I would like to change this so it open the Go to links instead of a dropdown, has anyone done this?

If not any idea what files, I need to work on, I am aware the 3 lines it created from header.tpl and pull the links from the .navbar-collapse

Is it the case of coping category_top.tpl content into header.tpl and put it in <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">?



Yes the total is set to 75 in free shipping extension.

But when the order is over 75 it shows flat rate and free delivery, so would like to remove the flat rate option for orders over 75.


Just setting up AbanteCart and would like to change how fast checkout display the shipping options.
I have flat cost and free delivery over 75. However it displays both on orders over 75 as can be seen in the screenshot I attached.

I would like it to just display the one shipping method, so when under 75 it shows just the flat cost and when over 75 it shows just free delivery.


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