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Support / Re: Admin session issue
« on: January 24, 2014, 05:15:45 PM »
Gordon, I am running the very last version, 1.1.7 ...

Support / Re: Admin session issue
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:11:29 PM »
thanks a lot for the tips!
unfortunately it does not work ... tried with 180 now and kicked me out as usual ... :(

Support / Re: Theme slider - how to get that working?
« on: January 24, 2014, 11:29:37 AM »
I tried the explanations but sadly that did NOT work.
Maybe for the simple reason the the slider block is Missing (!) from the install pack!
I did not install the demo and do not wish to do so as this will clogg the database with tons of stuff I'll have to delete afterwords.

So the "Main Page Banner Slider" block does NOT exist and I see no way to create it even with the developper plugin.
The blocks/banner_block/one_by_one_slider_banner_block.tpl seems to be missing as well from the standard installation.

Given the above, could you please help me with the missing files?
I really need that front page slider.

 Thank you!

Support / Re: Options dropdown BUG in product
« on: January 24, 2014, 10:45:20 AM »
Any timeframe for the new release than?

Thank you!

Support / Admin session issue
« on: January 24, 2014, 09:40:59 AM »
This is an other one really bugging me and I cannot figure out how to fix it!
I am annoyed that even if not active only for a few minutes (5 to 10 maybe) I am asked to log back in!
I tried setting the session value to as high as 12000 in admin > system > system > "Control Panel Session Expiration:" but to no avail ! Nothing changed, the behaviour remains the same no matter what I enter in that box.

Anyone knows how to fix? Thx

I noticed a bug in the Product > Options screen when trying to select a predefined global attribute which I wanted to attach to the product options.

The dropdown menu showing the predefined global attributes is only showing 10 (TEN) positions! So if I have 30 global attributes to define that's useless because according to this dropdown I can only select from the first 10 of them anyways...

I know it is so because once I disabled one of the global attributes the next in line suddenly showed in the dropdown menu.

Could you please correct that and tell us what/where to change or maybe upload here a patch or smth?

Thank you

Customization help / Options decsription?
« on: January 23, 2014, 11:13:52 AM »
Anyone knows of a way to add some description to the options?
It's quite "dry" to only have an option title, people always (and especially online) look for detailed descriptions.


Support / Re: Category URL !?!? Where can I see that ?!?
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:06:39 PM »
Thanks for the tip with the path Lee, nice hunting too :)

Template Support / Short product description ?!?
« on: January 20, 2014, 06:26:11 PM »
How can we have something like a short description to be displayed for a product on the category listing page (the grid view), just under the image and before the "add to cart" button?

I have noticed you use the full product description in the "row" listing, which I don't think it's a great idea either. No user wants to see in a product listing the products with their full (!) descriptions. So this too should be somehow truncated.

All shopping carts have such an option and it's very useful to give the visitor an idea about what the product is about ... (but not let him read the whole story there)

An "in extremis" solution could be to use the first 200 characters (or first N words) from the usual description as a short description, anyone knows how can we achieve that (the code ?!) ?

I tried to adds smth. like this in product_listing.tpl but it did not work ...

Code: [Select]
private function 
truncate($text1$length) {
$length abs((int)$length);
strlen($text1) > $length) {
$text preg_replace("/^(.{1,$length})(\s.*|$)/s"'\\1...'$text1);


Could anyone please react to this and offer some help?

Thx a lot!

Support / Re: Category URL !?!? Where can I see that ?!?
« on: January 20, 2014, 06:11:43 PM »
OK, I found it ...
It's in Design / Menu / Add new menu item > Choose category from the drop-down
A long way around though, I do not see why is it not possible to get that link from the category set-up screen itself and have to go such a long loop to find it.

But thanks a lot for the tip, got the URL for now  :)

Support / Category URL !?!? Where can I see that ?!?
« on: January 20, 2014, 11:31:02 AM »

Can anyone please tell where I can find the URL of a certain category to embed it in a custom menu?
(in the admin somewhere?!?)


Support / Maintenance mode little bug?
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:56:17 AM »
Just wanted to point out that for me the maintenance mode seems to have a small bug.

It should " If logged in as admin, you will see the store as normal." but this is not happening. The store remains blocked even if I login as admin.

Support / Re: How does "Discount" work ?
« on: January 12, 2014, 10:27:26 AM »
Thank you all for your feedback!

I did not look at coupons for this particular issue but yes, I've read the other documentation and it said nothing about options and products with options.

Conclusion: it is actually NOT possible to apply a discount on a product build out of priced options only, even for the simple reason that one cannot know the final price in advance as it depends on the kind and amount of options chosen by the customer. And as long as I do not know the final product price it's not possible to decide in advance about a certain fix amount to be applied as a discount.

It remains the workaround with the coupons which in certain situations only could be a solution.

Support / How does "Discount" work ?
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:56:53 PM »

Anyone helping me understand how does "Discount" work !??!

Is it a fix amount only or could be also applied as % ?
What about products with options? Does a discount apply to final price (say I have a starting price of zero and final price is given by options and options combinations only or ?!?!


PS: Yes, I read the docu .. it does not clarify the issue

well, I don't know what it is, fact is I am still in the stage of evaluating what the cart can do and if I could use it  :-\
So before talking about any customizations I 1st need to know if this cart is the solution in the 1st place.

I was just looking for information about where those price calculations happen and how are the variables called so that I know what I search for ...

Could you help by answering that?

Is smth like what I wrote doable with this cart ?

Thank you in advance!

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