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Messages - Presskey

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General Support / Re: where do i put JavaScript SDK for Facebook like page
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:30:55 AM »
I stated what to do with the code I did not verify that what you had entered was correct.  You did not request someone to test your coding.

Where did you get the code from?

Did you follow the instructions in the Developer Guide?

What are you trying to accomplish?

General Support / Re: where do i put JavaScript SDK for Facebook like page
« on: February 07, 2016, 06:54:33 AM »
Yes you paste both sets of code in the source.

General Support / Re: where do i put JavaScript SDK for Facebook like page
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:59:12 PM »
Did you paste into the source window?  If you paste straight into the html editor the code will be incorrect.

Thanks for your responses.  I have fixed the issue and the icons are now available and I can edit the block contents

Installation and Configuration / No edit icon in Layout & Blocks Manager
« on: February 06, 2016, 06:35:58 AM »
I am logged in as admin as Top Administrator and I do not have any edit icons (fa fa-cogs)

What setting do I need to check to enable me to edit the blocks?

I have Googled and searched the forum and manual and I cannot find a resolution to my problem.

I am using 1.2.5 and it is a fresh install.  Installed Developer Tools

Pages: [1]

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