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Support / Re: Location and localizatioin
« on: November 29, 2015, 09:54:02 PM »
Go to:
System -> Localization -> Zones

and add whichever city you'd need...Can also fix typos.

General Discussion / Re: Import Not Working Completely
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:46:13 PM »
It could also be status (0 or 1) since the admin tool doesn't show disabled by default I think.  Also if you are running multistore, or language settings.

I think having a continue and return to previous page would be best.  For people who only buy 1 item, I think going to cart is probably a good time saver (how it is now)...

General Support / Re: "Best Sellers" and "Sale Items" Remove until exist?
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:57:15 AM »
I don't know how to do this automatically, but instead, I manually just disable the block in:
Design -> Layout -> Home Page and turn off the ones I don't want (bestsellers and special in the cases you describe above).

Support / Re: Go To Menu for Mobile
« on: November 26, 2015, 10:54:49 AM »

Support / Re: Go To Menu for Mobile
« on: November 25, 2015, 09:57:25 AM »

Also, when I look at the demo Abantecart site with my phone (Note 3), the Abantecart logo is under the lines button when in the horizontal (Portrait) view.  Is there a way to fix this?  On the vertical view, it looks ok.  Happens with chrome browser.

Hi. What is your phone screen size? "Note 3" meant "Samsung Galaxy Note 3" or anything else?

Yes, my phone is the Samsung Galaxy Note 3...1080x1920 resolution, 5.7 inch screen.
"Both Apple and Samsung went with 1080x1920 pixels of resolution, which is the typical option for most flagships out there."

I also tested the demo site on an iPhone 6 (newest is 6s now) and get the same lowered logo on the demo page...

Anyone else getting this?

Support / Re: Go To Menu for Mobile
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:47:06 PM »
I can't say I know what's best for mobile...but I'd also support any updates or features focused specifically on mobile view/ease of use/etc...

I don't shop on a phone, but apparently people browse a ton using one.  Having the search bar defaulted would be easier for me since I didn't know you need to click on those lines to get it.  It's hard to really "browse" on a small phone screen IMO, but that seems to be where everyone is headed...

Maybe specific views or front page just for mobile would be idea honestly.

Also, when I look at the demo Abantecart site with my phone (Note 3), the Abantecart logo is under the lines button when in the horizontal (Portrait) view.  Is there a way to fix this?  On the vertical view, it looks ok.  Happens with chrome browser.

Opinions / Re: what do you think about a iDeal System?
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:02:00 PM »
As someone who doesn't even know what iDeal is, it'll be hard for the developers to work on something which doesn't have a large enough audience.  I'd suggest finding a developer or a developer willing to do a custom extension for this and possibly offering a bounty to get it built (is there such a thing in Abantecart?).  I think this has been successful for people in India and some other places so there are folks this has worked for.

Here is what iDeal is:

Has no one an answer for this problem???? Other wise i must choose for another oscommerce system. It is getting time that the makers of abantecart get more knowledge to solve problems.

I think this post shows the challenge deploying any app or webpage.  One word of advice I'd recommend is if you are running into a problem and no one else posts about that problem much or at all, then it's most likely only affecting just YOUR configuration.

It's not so much no one wants to help you or the developers don't care...but since it doesn't affect them or anyone else, they don't know or simply can't recreate your problem so they have nothing to go on...

Choosing another platform or any platform (doesn't matter) won't help because if your config wherever you're hosted at is messed up, no commerce system will matter at all.

I was running into a strange problem where I couldn't even install a vanilla install of Abantecart (still not sure why), but it's probably just within my hosting provider's config...Very much a pain, but not much anyone can really do (without spending more time and get possibly dedicated hosting or root access)...

Also, can't figure out manual upgrade at all and assuming that I am the only one in Abantecart land looking to do that.

Is there another step necessary when doing a manual upgrade?  I have been able to do the auto update on my test site and I see a stream of messages saying this/that has been updated, etc...

But on the manual upgrade and from looking at the official docs and doing those steps, I think something is missing to let the system know to update all the tags that an upgrade has been applied.  Just copying the files over and doing the sql command doesn't seem to do that (unless you need to go a special url after copying the files that I missed).

Could anyone confirm for me if that is the case and does anyone out there even use the manual upgrade?  (Maybe it should just never be used anymore?)

I suppose I like to know everything that goes on behind the scenes since for me, knowing would allow me to debug stuff or rebuild if I knew...(that and maybe the unix background in me wants to just do things manually (old habits maybe))...The auto process hasn't worked for me in the past (I was doing the download though so maybe that alone was the problem).

I've also changed core a little (mostly colors and a few things), and doing the auto would definitely replace all my stuff.

That said, looking at this more, I think I found the problem.

In the upgrade only package on google docs, there is no version.php file in the core directory.  It is missing.

In the 1.2.3 upgrade version, there is that file so that's why it's reading the 1.2.3 in my setup since it didn't copy a new one over.

That said, I just saw 1.2.5 in the directory as of today!

Could one of the devs comfirm that is the only thing I am missing from the manual upgrade doc files?

My best guess is something has gone awry.

When the update is all successfully done,  the log in screen shows the version 1.2.4,  the admin panel shows 1.2.4 in the footer, the system> logs>install/upgrade history will show the version also  - 
so if you're not seeing the correct version in all of these places - there is an issue to be solved :(

and viewpage source on home page on site  shows version.
<meta name="" content="" />

Hmm, I must be missing something simple then...
For a manual upgrade, do you need to do anything with the package.xml file?

From the abantecart_1.2.4_upgrade_only folder, I only see stuff in code and the upgrade.sql file.

From the docs, all it seems you need is to just:
(1) move the files from code over, then
(2) run the upgrade.sql script

Maybe something is not copying over correctly or I missed a step.

I wasn't sure where in the process the system "knows" that it's now on Version 1.2.4.

Just wanted to add that I figured out why the Main Page Promo thing wasn't working...

It looks like the otherddetails in style.css was removed so you would have to re-add it if you were using that part from the demo cart...It's in line 759 - 805 from Abantecart Version 1.2.3.

Could still use some guidance on the version number since everything looks ok so far...

I just manually upgraded a test system (a few times) to 1.2.4 following these docs:

but notice that the login window for the admin page still shows AbanteCart Version 1.2.3 on the bottom.
Is this normal or did something not upgrade correctly in my process?

In my database, I notice in the dataset_values, I see a few references to 1.2.3 still.  (Namely, dataset_column_id = 22)

I also notice that the "Main Page Promo" that I used similar to the demo system not displaying correctly now.  Anyone else run into these issues?

Also tried an auto-update from the link in Abantecart and ended up with the "Page not found error" when it got back to the website after trying to process...

Thanks!  That made the error stop, but why is it amysqli?

What's the 'a...' for?

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