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Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: February 07, 2025, 04:07:07 AM »
here what i get in the error log when i just click on delete cache memory:

2025-02-07 9:51:53 - App Error: AbanteCart core v.1.4.1 Cannot establish database connection to u6047506_lnqm1 using u6047506_lnqm1@localhost
User u6047506_lnqm1 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
#0 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/db.php on line 64
#1 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/init.php on line 354
#2 /home/u6047506/public_html/index.php on line 60

2025-02-07 9:53:14 - 1226: User 'u6047506_lnqm1' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 50)

#11 /home/u6047506/public_html/index.php:101
in /home/u6047506/public_html/core/database/amysqli.php on line 162

website intreface has next error as in the screenshot:

this huge sql error is NOT a cause. Cause is in high load of web-server.
max_user_connections directive is MYSQL directive. This is not an AbanteCart code.
For example your mysql server have limitation for 100 connections at the same time. This mean 100 customers opened your cart at the same time. And next 101 will be a cause of error in the your log file.
Sql-query is not a cause.

How many users do you have?
Can you look into table customer_sessions?
Do you have enabled google analitycs? Did you see some spikes on report plots?

Probably mysql server have a glitch and do not automatic close of lost connections. have no ideas anymore.
I think you should your hosting provider support about this situation.

The page builder is very buggy, you have to actually set the logo for every page and centre it and resize it, which is a terrible design, the body content is not loading at all, it's just empty, there is only a footer and a header, and I am giving up using it.
I think it is terrible not having any visual editor to design the website properly.
How about the blocks? I have to disable blocks for every page? I canno't just change it for every page?

sorry, i don't understand when you write "for every page".
Page Builder has been maden not for "every page". It's a fine tuning tool for case with some static design.
Please describe how you see on this extension, i mean how you using it.

PageBuilder is an extension for fully custom view of page. This mean it totally replace native layout system of AbanteCart, including header,body,footer blocks.
If something does not work - you should to inspect html-code. Just click "code" button </> and see what url of your logo.
Logo is not a block. It's just a link with image inside.
You should compare href on your pagebuilder page and correct logo url.
Just replace it in the modal and save.

If you want to return back to native layout page, you can save changes as "preset" and then delete page of PageBuilder (unpublish).

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:06:38 AM »
try to run
to see what sql-queries on hold

here what i get as showing in the attached screenshots :

you are not under ddos or scanning now.
Try to notice when error arrears and look processlist in that time.

All looks like somebody scan your host periodically or sends invalid post-requests.

this part of sql-query you posted is very suspicious
Code: [Select]
WHERE p2s.store_id = '0' AND (LCASE( LIKE '%810¤cy=try¤cy=usd¤cy=try¤cy=gbp¤cy=gbp¤cy=gbp¤cy=eur¤cy=usd¤cy=try¤cy=gbp¤cy=usd¤cy=usd¤cy=gbp¤cy=eur¤cy=usd¤cy=eur%' OR LCASE(pt.tag) = '810¤cy=try¤cy=usd¤cy=try¤cy=gbp¤cy=gbp¤cy=gbp¤cy=eur¤cy=usd¤cy=try¤cy=gbp¤cy=usd¤cy=usd¤cy=gbp¤cy=eur¤cy=usd¤cy=eur' ) AND p.status = '1'

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: February 04, 2025, 06:11:23 AM »
try to run
to see what sql-queries on hold

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: January 31, 2025, 05:34:46 AM »
max_user_connections looks like DDoS attack

did you cleared browser cache?
is the bug presents on quick-save event or form submit?

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: January 29, 2025, 04:47:28 AM »

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: January 28, 2025, 07:04:37 AM »
I did deleted these Extensions from the root and still has the same error log as follow:

2025-01-24 16:36:14 - Unknown Error: AbanteCart core v.1.4.1 Call to undefined method db_result_meta::fetch_object()
#0 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/db.php(119): AMySQLi->query()
#1 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php(1159): ADB->_query()
#2 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php(390): ExtensionsApi->__ExtensionsApiCall()
#3 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/db.php(85): ExtensionsApi->__call()
#4 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/dataset.php(89): ADB->query()
#5 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/menu_control_storefront.php(36): ADataset->__construct()
#6 /home/u6047506/public_html/extensions/novator/storefront/controller/blocks/mega_menu.php(187): AMenu_Storefront->__construct()
#7 /home/u6047506/public_html/extensions/novator/storefront/controller/blocks/mega_menu.php(49): ControllerBlocksMegaMenu->buildMenu()
#8 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php(306): ControllerBlocksMegaMenu->main()
#9 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php(341): ADispatcher->dispatch()
#10 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php(341): ADispatcher->dispatch()
#11 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/page.php(110): ADispatcher->dispatch()
#12 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/router.php(204): APage->build()
#13 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/router.php(86): ARouter->route()
#14 /home/u6047506/public_html/index.php(101): ARouter->processRoute()
#15 {main} in /home/u6047506/public_html/core/database/amysqli.php on line 136

please provide more details such as:

1. php version
2. database server name and version
3. Is your AbanteCart instance after upgrade process or fresh installation?
4. Did you noted this error on prior version of AbanteCart?

1. 8.3 php.
2. Server version: 10.6.20-MariaDB - MariaDB Server.
3. after upgrade.
4. only on last V.1.4.1 appeared.

please send access to your files (ssh, ftp, cPanel) via private message.
Cannot to answer without debugging

if you want to pass an array use $that->view->assign('your_tpl_variable_name', $someArray); inside your hook file where $that = $this->baseObject; (controller instance)

$hookVarArray is a string, not array!

Support / Re: File Cache expected behavior
« on: January 28, 2025, 03:43:30 AM »
I wanted to see if this is expected behavior or I have an issue on my local install. When editing a product and saving is it normal for the entire product cache folder deleted and have the product cache completely rebuilt instead of that individual cache file?

Also on checkout (order success) the product cache folder is completely deleted and rebuilt leading to a lot of CPU processing when editing or when a sale has gone through. Not sure if this is expected behavior with cache or an issue on my end.

I have also tried memcached and while I haven't ran it to fully debug the performance indicates it is dropping the entire cache instead of just the individual key to rebuild.
product stock affects on categories, brands information + related products list etc. That's why we deleting all cache of product section. There is cannot be "individual" file.
I really don't understand how CPU processing related to writing of usual text file.
May be it's a mysql server load.

hook var's value must be a string, not array.
Different extensions can add it's values and we use concatenation for that

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: January 24, 2025, 10:22:53 AM »
I did deleted these Extensions from the root and still has the same error log as follow:

2025-01-24 16:36:14 - Unknown Error: AbanteCart core v.1.4.1 Call to undefined method db_result_meta::fetch_object()
#0 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/db.php(119): AMySQLi->query()
#1 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php(1159): ADB->_query()
#2 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php(390): ExtensionsApi->__ExtensionsApiCall()
#3 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/db.php(85): ExtensionsApi->__call()
#4 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/dataset.php(89): ADB->query()
#5 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/lib/menu_control_storefront.php(36): ADataset->__construct()
#6 /home/u6047506/public_html/extensions/novator/storefront/controller/blocks/mega_menu.php(187): AMenu_Storefront->__construct()
#7 /home/u6047506/public_html/extensions/novator/storefront/controller/blocks/mega_menu.php(49): ControllerBlocksMegaMenu->buildMenu()
#8 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php(306): ControllerBlocksMegaMenu->main()
#9 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php(341): ADispatcher->dispatch()
#10 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php(341): ADispatcher->dispatch()
#11 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/page.php(110): ADispatcher->dispatch()
#12 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/router.php(204): APage->build()
#13 /home/u6047506/public_html/core/engine/router.php(86): ARouter->route()
#14 /home/u6047506/public_html/index.php(101): ARouter->processRoute()
#15 {main} in /home/u6047506/public_html/core/database/amysqli.php on line 136

please provide more details such as:

1. php version
2. database server name and version
3. Is your AbanteCart instance after upgrade process or fresh installation?
4. Did you noted this error on prior version of AbanteCart?

Templates / Re: error log on V.1.4.1
« on: January 24, 2025, 08:04:55 AM »
do you have some old extensions installed?

can you be more specific plz?

as i see in the Extensions list there is Germany Pack and Turkish pack aren't compatible with list AbanteCart Version and trying uninstalling it but i cannot because i get a critical error.
this is what i see in the extension note> German Language Pack
This extension is not confirmed to work with your version of AbanteCart. Contact extension developer to confirm compatibility.
Turkish Language Pack
This extension is not confirmed to work with your version of AbanteCart. Contact extension developer to confirm compatibility.

Before reporting bug you should to uninstall all incompatible extensions to be sure problem is in the core.
I suspecting the cause is in wrong sql query in some of them.

More information can be available only after debugging.
Cannot answer about the cause.

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