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General Discussion / Re: Color Picker
« on: November 28, 2022, 08:56:18 AM »
1. Add an option with option type INPUT and initial value #ffffff
2. Create an HTML block with the next code and add it to the Footer Top section of the Product Page Layout

Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
$( window ).on( "load", function() {
$('input[type=text][value^="#"]').each(function() {
$(this).prop('type', 'color');

Hello Sir,

Thank you so much, that was so easy and very good section.

General Discussion / Color Picker
« on: November 28, 2022, 03:21:06 AM »
Hello guys,

I searched th forums but i couldn't find any related post which could solve my question.

I need to know how to add color picker to product to make it easier for client to make multiple order from same product in different colors and to be mentioned the color code in a separated box with the required quantities. 

Upgrade / Re: contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 30, 2022, 07:52:09 AM »
still looking for your support to fix this issue guys

Upgrade / Re: contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 25, 2022, 05:18:07 AM »
the directions are:

Admin Username/Password: demo/demo

that means  the Username is demo
and the Password is demo

Try that, works for me

thank you sir.

I tried and its opened well. i edited the settings on my contact us form and placed it as in demo then tried the form but i faced another problem with the uploading a file as in the screenshot. removed the restriction of Allowed File Extensions (TXT, JPG, Word, Excel, PDF, PSD,PNG) from the form panel but the form still not working.  i checked emails and server /admin/system/upload and also nothing.

Upgrade / Re: contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 24, 2022, 09:20:29 AM »
The settings are wrong. Please restore default settings.
You can see all default settings in the demo

sorry, how to login in to demo admin panel?
I copied Username: Admin
              Password: demo/demo

But not working

Upgrade / Re: contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 24, 2022, 07:16:22 AM »
here is a screenshot for the admin side

Upgrade / Re: contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 24, 2022, 06:55:04 AM »

Does other emails are working?

Yes, all emails working very well and order notifications statuses going to clients with gmail SMTP configuration very good.

Upgrade / Re: contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 24, 2022, 04:23:47 AM »

Check spam folder in your store email inbox

I already checked all choices before posting.

Any suggestions ?

Upgrade / contact us form on AbanteCart v1.3.3
« on: August 23, 2022, 03:52:52 AM »

The contact us form doesn't working on AbanteCart v1.3.3. In the log errors there is nothing explaining why it wont's to work.

Any ideas pleas ?

News and Announcements / Re: AbanteCart 1.3.3 is released.
« on: August 16, 2022, 10:33:20 AM »
I upgraded my website and everything working fine accept some Java Scripts not working. What is the reason?

Support / Re: No emails being sent
« on: August 16, 2022, 10:29:07 AM »
I tried SMTP option and worked with me fine but you should go to your Gmail account to activate and link your websitedomaindotcom email with Gmail account and verify the connection between your website and Gmail server to make your Gmail account sending emails on behalf of your website email. you should be sure you activated 2 step Verification option and created a unique password on Gmail security page then you should go to your website admin panel and place the required Gmail server name, email and your given to you unique password and correct port of 587 with 10 sec. interval connection. then save and try it.  if still have more question let me know

News and Announcements / Re: AbanteCart 1.3.3 is released.
« on: August 08, 2022, 03:24:04 AM »
New version of AbanteCart 1.3.3 is now released.

Master branch is set to be 1.3.3.

New Features and improvements highlight:

you are the  best guys, thanks for info.

The Page builder was released as an Alpha version and it is work with the development version of AbanteCart 1.3.3
It can be downloaded on our Github page

is there a Beta version of 1.3.3?

Templates / Re: AbanteCart mail.php
« on: July 18, 2022, 05:27:47 AM »

In the 1.3.3 branch, we have added a new library to work with emails. You can try it

when will be released new version ???

Templates / Re: AbanteCart mail.php
« on: July 17, 2022, 08:39:26 AM »

In the 1.3.3 branch, we have added a new library to work with emails. You can try it

Thank you sir for sharing these perfect news.

I would like to inform you that i tested a lot of open sources ecommerce scripts and in all there wasn't any error according sending email, orders status notifications email,etc. I contacted my hosting company and they did checked the configuration details each where and step bu step and they decided that my script has critical error which they cannot fix and asked me to contact AbanteCart support team to check required and related folders and files.

 I tried to connect my domain emails to Gmail SMTP protocol (to send as: my domain email) and activated 2 step verification function then turned ON new function of Password App. to get unique 1 time password for my website script, also doesn't worked.

I use AbanteCart 1.3.2 version with 7.4 php version.  i tried to use newer versions of php such 8.0 and 8.1 versions but doesn't worked.

any support could be in this case please?

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