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Thanks for your reply Basara,

Thanks for the information about the FedEx extension, unfortunately, we do not use FedEx as a shipping option.

I installed the weight-based delivery extension however it added a third weight-based shipping option to the orders and it did not add tare weight and packaging cost to the USPS and UPS shipping extensions. Although the weight-based delivery extension did not do what I wanted, I appreciate your suggestion and I am glad that I tried it.

Does anyone know how to add to or edit the code to add package weight (additional weight) and packaging cost (additional cost) to the USPS extension and UPS extension shipping rates?

I am using AbanteCart version 1.3.4.

I need to add a package tare weight to each shipment to make the shipping rates accurate. For example, the average weight of the shipping boxes we use is 0.3 pounds so I need to add 0.3 pounds to the weight of each order before the shipping rates are calculated.

I also need to add the packaging cost to the shipping rates. For example, the average cost of the shipping box, packing peanuts, tape, and label that we use to ship an order is $1.00. So I need to add $1.00 to the cost of each shipping method.

I do not want to use the handling fee option that customers can see on the checkout page because these are not handling fees. These are shipping weights and shipping materials costs, so they should be included in the shipping rates that customers see and pay.

Is there a way to add a tare weight to orders in the AbanteCart admin area?

Is there a way to add the packaging cost to the shipment rates in the AbanteCart admin area?

Or has anyone figured out how to add to or edit the code to accomplish this?

Yes, in the shipping extension settings, I had selected the Tax Class.
The issue was caused by the taxes calculation order being set to the same number as the shipping calculation order in the order totals extension. This resulted in the shipping cost not being included in the taxes.
When I changed the taxes calculation order to a higher number than the shipping calculation order, it then started working and the sub-total plus shipping were both included in the taxes.
It is working perfectly now.

Support / Re: I want to sort shipping method options by price.
« on: August 04, 2024, 05:15:57 AM »
I resolved this issue of the shipping options not sorting by low to high prices.

I did not want to edit the PHP files because when upgrading the the next version of AbanteCart I thought they may be replaced and the edits could be lost. So I used JavaScript to reorder the table rows on the checkout page by low to high price after the page’s DOM is fully loaded. I also updated the table rows so the shipping company name rows have a gray background and the shipping options rows have a white background. I attached a screenshot showing all of this.

I added the JavaScript to the custom.js file at storefront/view/default/javascript/. Was this a good place to add it or will this custom.js file be replaced when upgrading to a newer version of AbanteCart?

I figured out why the shipping cost was not adding to the sales tax and now have that issue resolved.

On the Order Totals extension, the Taxes row Calculation Order column was set to 3 which was the same that the Shipping row was set to. I changed it to 5 and now the shipping cost is adding to the sales tax.

I attached an image with screenshots of the Order Totals extension and checkout page showing it now working.

I am using AbanteCart version 1.3.4 and the shipping cost is not being included in the sales tax amount. I am using the shipping extensions included with version 1.3.4.

The store's tax class is "Taxable Goods" and for both the USPS and UPS shipping extensions I have the tax class set to "Taxable Goods".

I cleared the cache however that did not help. I attached an image with screenshots of the settings and the checkout page.

Maybe there is another setting that I need to select to get this to work. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get the shipping cost to be included in the sales tax?

Support / Re: I want to sort shipping method options by price.
« on: July 29, 2024, 03:40:26 PM »
Thanks for your reply. I agree it is usual for shipping methods to be sorted from low to high prices.

The USPS and UPS shipping extensions that are included with AbanteCart version 1.3.4 do not sort shipping methods by low to high prices. They appear to sort shipping methods in ascending order according to the number at the end of their label's "for" attribute.

For example, with the UPS extension, the top shipping method is UPS Next Day Air which has a "for" attribute of "default_ups01default_ups.01". The second down shipping method is UPS Second Day Air which has a "for" attribute of "default_ups01default_ups.02". The third down shipping method is UPS Ground which has a "for" attribute of "default_ups01default_ups.03". Etc.

It is the same with the USPS extension, with the shipping methods being sorted in ascending order according to the number at the end of their label's "for" attribute.

For these UPS and USPS extensions, there is no option to change the sort order in the admin area.

I attached a screenshot showing how the shipping options are sorted.

Support / I want to sort shipping method options by price.
« on: July 27, 2024, 08:15:47 PM »
I am almost done migrating a site from a different e-commerce platform to AbanteCart 1.3.4 and I am testing the checkout page and noticed that the shipping method prices are not sorted from low to high. On this site, 99% of buyers choose the lowest-price shipping options. Therefore, I would like the lowest-priced shipping option to be listed at the top of the shipping carrier options list.

I can not find a way to sort shipping method options by price in the Admin area. I am using the USPS and UPS shipping extensions that are included with AbanteCart version 1.3.4.

Is there any way to sort the shipping method options by low to high price either in Admin settings, by changing or adding to a code file, by using an extension, or???

Support / Re: Model Number search not working V 1.3.4
« on: July 04, 2024, 01:21:29 AM »
Thanks a lot for your help with that. I got it fixed in less than a minute using the code corrections at the link you provided, and it is working perfectly now.

Support / Re: Model Number search not working V 1.3.4
« on: July 01, 2024, 11:40:31 PM »
I started migrating one of my sites to my first AbanteCart store a few days ago and noticed the same issue. Am I understanding this correctly that I should wait for version 1.3.5 to be released and then upgrade to 1.3.5 to get the model number search function working?

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