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Support / Re: New Language Order Statuses
« on: October 07, 2019, 07:19:57 PM »
Everything looks fine except the same missing download tab in Deutch?

If I go to Products > Files > Edit File Profile looks the same in English & Deutch ???

Support / Re: New Language Order Statuses
« on: September 27, 2019, 11:05:28 AM »
Sorry I was not clear.
Deutch is loaded and works.
If I go to localisation > languages, I see Duetch, Espanol, & English.
If I go to extensions> languages, I only see defualt_Espanol.
I downloaded the free ac_german_language_v1.0.1.tar.gz but did not seem to work , so I used the Extensions Marketplace German Language Package.
Under All Extentions I see the German Language Package with status ON.
The only problem I see now is the missing Download tab in Deutch products?

Support / Re: New Language Order Statuses
« on: September 26, 2019, 10:53:03 PM »
Thanks that seemed to clear up a lot.
I can see the order status in English, Espanol, & Deutch.
I still have a problem with Deutch.
The products I have shows Description, Tags, & Downloads tab that works fine in English and in the default Espanol.
The Deutch does not display the Downloads tab?
I tried a download file and then just clicked on the marketplace ?????

IF I look at the Extensions > Languages I see the default_spanish ON.
I do not see any Deutch ?????????

Support / New Language Order Statuses
« on: September 25, 2019, 10:15:43 PM »
I am using AbanteCart V1.2.15 and just added a new German language.
The downloads in German lost their name would not work, and when I check the German Order Status did not exist in German.
Looking at SYSTEM > Localization > Order Statuses, the English Order statuses were fine, but in German they were all blank?

How do I add the English Order Status to the German Language? 

How-to questions / Re: Language Content
« on: September 19, 2019, 10:34:23 PM »
OK thanks.
I did not think I would need to edit anything more than content.

There is a lot to update.
Any way to set the new language for administrator update without enabling users to see it yet?

How-to questions / Language Content
« on: September 18, 2019, 04:17:01 PM »
I updated AbanteCart to the latest 1.2.15 version.
I added new languages and enabled them on my site which seems to work fine relabeling the links.
The English content text remains the same.
The new language content is blank.
The problem is the Download File names are blank and unlinked ?
I can see the file icon in the admininstration setup, but not in the store ?
The visual text format transfered through google translate looses all formatting.
The HTML text format transfered through google translate gives a Translation error ????????

Used the latest cardconnect 1.0.1.

The issues was the extension TEST MODE button.
The TEST MODE ON worked for the test credentials.
The TEST MODE OFF is needed for the real credentials.

A newbie mistake, but I am a newbie to this.

NEVER MIND, verified with host the credentials CardConnect sent me were not correct.

FYI: the test credentials work !

Domain portion to API:

Merchant ID: 496160873888
API Username: testing
API Password: testing123
Test Mode ON

That is why I said it was bounced back between CardConnect and Host provider.

Bounced back & forth between CardConnect and Host Provider to get a solution.
The final answer from Host was:
It seems that the issue is our server is blocked on the end. Please contact support of the cardconnect to they check if  (main server Ip) and  (your Dedicated IP) aren't blocked.

Paypal Standard works.
CardConnect has all the required fields filled out for their test button.

Is there an addition API configuration needed elsewhere?

At a loss?

Payment Modules / Re: Paypal Express no status change.
« on: October 24, 2018, 12:00:21 PM »
YES both pp standard & pp express had Order Status set to Complete?

Payment Modules / Paypal Express no status change.
« on: October 24, 2018, 12:58:58 AM »
Just setup and was testing the paypal payments extension on the latest Version 1.2.13
I want to update the status on download file from pending to complete upon successful payment.
The paypal standard works fine with the extension setting: Order Status set to Complete.
I tried the same settings with paypal express, but the order status for the customer stays at pending.
The API settings tested good.
I can manually update it in admin, but would rather it be automatic.

Any ideas on what to check?

General Discussion / Main bottom banners
« on: April 27, 2018, 09:22:31 PM »
I was editing the graphic Main bottom banners
 Design > Banner Manager
and all seems to work well with the url links.
The problem is no matter how i mix them up, Banners sort order group1, 2, & 3 all seems to use the same image.
I can change the image with any of them, but they act like a group.
Banner 4 seems to work well independently.
At a loss why ?

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