Hi ,
My Website lynx-india.com Is The Top 25 Websites Related To IT And Electronics In India . For One Of My Students i was looking for a new ecomm script and this is where i got to know about abantecart .My students domain is called mrdealerstore.com .I have deployed the same there and also tweaked the frontend and backend so that now its kinda functional .There are a lot of suggestions as a experienced website owner i would like to give you . The Same follows ...
1 : How To Make It More Popular : Well i have read many posts on the forums ,In one of the posts you got a suggestion to include it into cpanel auto installers .Well this is how i came to know of the same . India And Indians in particular have a very vast variety of software presence all across the world .If you can capture india you can virtually capture a large percentage of the online professionals .My suggestion would be to have Indian Payment Gateways added as a free extension into your cart .I use CCavenue in webasyst and it works flawlessly .There are other gateways too make modules for them too .if i could help you in anyway in cc-avanue integration i would be happy to assist as i have a account with then and i use it in routine .
2 : Flawed Paypal Standard Implementation : When we edit this module it should ask what is the currency you like to use with that ,i should be able to select the Currency .What happens is that if like in my store i have default currency as Indian Rupees and i checkout and select paypal .I Assume it will convert to usd and place order on paypal site .Webasyst had the same issue and they added this feature after i gave them a suggestion .
3 : Very Very Bad Payment Options : You are a coder right ,I am a businessmen and a end user is a buyer .Now let think how others think about the script .i hate your payment modules man they are stupid totally .Let me give you a example .
Local Store Pickup Option :You Have a Local Store Pickup option But No Local Store Payment Extension Damn What This ? .This Extension is Like a Piece Of Cake For you .Make it .As a Businessmen i would like to have a cart that lets my customer reserve a unit of the item he likes even if he plans for a local store payment and pickup .pickup module is there but no payment ? .
Bank Transfer Module : Guy Selects a Shipping Method .Now i Want Him To Pay To My Bank .Either With Cash Deposit To The Bank Or Online Transfer From His Bank To My Bank .God We Have No Module For This Such Basic Thing Too .IMHO if the cheque/moneyorder module is duplicated and renamed to "Cash Deposit / Online Transfer " To Bank This Should Do the trick .I am going mad in thinking that how can you forget these two such basic modules into this .
Few Bugs : When You Are Into Shipping Modules And You edit weight based shipping and go to additional setting to add weight and money for weight "Why does a new window open And Also The Area where you enter the weight:freight goes out to the right side " .Corrrect This .Paypal standard Bug i have explained you earlier .There was one more bug and it slipped from my mind the second time damn

PS : I Have Few Other suggestions Too If You Will Not Feel Offended .If These Can Be Implemented Then It Will Kick The Butt Out Of Many Scripts