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General Discussion / Re: Canonic problems with Abantecart
« on: July 24, 2020, 09:10:50 AM »
the link for the web page is www  hvaclatam  com

General Discussion / Re: Canonic problems with Abantecart
« on: July 02, 2020, 09:35:16 PM »
Hello Basara

Thanks for your help. My problem is not how to improve my SEO rating using the backlinks or whitehat strategies. My problem is that I do have a product page and no matter if I add it manually or by the sitemap on the search console; Google doesn't index it because Google thinks is a copy of another page because of the canonical duplication. 
Please help.. the most important products of my store are not being index for organical search.

General Discussion / Re: Canonic problems with Abantecart
« on: June 29, 2020, 12:40:52 AM »
Thank you.
This is the message i am receiving from Google Search console.  (picture attached)
"Duplicated: The user did not indicate canonical version"
In the search console, i selected the URL INSPECTION... several pages are reported like "The URL is not in Google".
Also, manually I add these pages.. and after 2/3 days.. once again are not in Google.
I really appreciate your help. This is affecting my store to growth in the organic searches.

General Discussion / Canonic problems with Abantecart
« on: June 25, 2020, 01:43:14 PM »
Hello All

we do have a online store with focus in air aconditioner systems.
We did purchased the tool called SEO PACK, but still facing the same problem.
Google search console reports several product pages as canonical and therefore it doesn't index it.
we did export the sitemap, but days after Google again reports several product pages as canonical.
Also, in the DNS server, we redirected all the trafic from the HTTP:// to the HTTPS// so avoid problems between the "2" sites.
I saw several posting asking for the same problem in previous versions of Abantecart, that seems that solve the problem using the lastest one.. months ago.
we are using the version 1.2.16
we use the categories distributions of CAT1/SUBCAT1/PRODUCT.. allowing the user to look for info in CAT1/ and from there they could go to the PRODUCT page directly or navigating though the SUBCAT1.
Please help us with this because i am not getting any relevant traffic into my store because of this.
Give some ideas.. because i am out of it now.

General Discussion / Form manager in Spanish
« on: June 23, 2020, 07:55:37 PM »
Hello Abantecart forum

First I will like to thank you for the excellent tool that Abantecart is.
I do have a problem with the forms manager. I am unable to get emails from the contact form. I am using spanish as the language.
This is the configuration i put into Abantecart.
This is the error log as well.
Please help me with some ideas how to solve this.

Love it.. It works wonderful

General Discussion / AbanteCart crash
« on: January 14, 2020, 10:14:42 PM »
I am facing the following Abantecart crash message when i try to edit the social block... and others blocks as well.
This happens AFTER i update a new template called Dynamic customised theme, But i don't think is because of it. Any clues?

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