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Templates / Re: How to import and export only the Layout & Blocks
« on: February 03, 2014, 03:57:08 AM »

How to import the only the layouts and blocks,

Hello. Did You try Admin-System-Data-Import & Export tool?

gordontaylor wrote:  "In your case, mixing free with paid is not working. Some bug in the script I suspect. If you mark a product as no shipping in the product edit page, it still gets lumped i n with the other products." 

GordonTaylor - I am not mixing free with paid - downloads are paid for as well as the tangible but no shipping charges, right?  So I'm considering the Flexy extension but $50 for a solution that "might" fix my issue is a bit steep right now. 

It seemed that you might get it - if you did can you please report on the extension?  I know it's a selfish request, but I'll ask anyway ;)

Thank you very much

buddahboy, You misunderstood me.
Flexy promotion extension will work good for gordontaylor problem
I used to offer free shipping on orders over $100USD, but can't do it with AbanteCart cart, so I created a coupon for Free Shipping if their total is over $100USD.

require shipping OFF not work for You just because how Price based shipping works. Price Based Shipping based on Sub-total of order.

In order to create a block for related product, go to layout and choose the page (s) that you want the block to appear on.

Then follow the three steps in the images below to create the new block to use on the left hand side. You'll only need to create the block once, but you'll still need to select it in the layouts section for each page you want it to appear on.

Follow those steps, make sure you save it and now you'll have a related choice in the left column to choose.

Hello, gordontaylor. Are You sure that your solution work? It is not work for me.
In the last screen you select Listing Data Source  Media. But I think you need to select Listing Data Source Custom Products then select some products and enable this block only for some product layout . This will simulate Related Products only for product where you enable this block.

I have seen other threads about mixing paid with free and others are having issues as well.

I used to offer free shipping on orders over $100USD, but can't do it with AbanteCart cart, so I created a coupon for Free Shipping if their total is over $100USD.

Yes, it can be abused, but it's the only solution at the moment.

In your case, mixing free with paid is not working. Some bug in the script I suspect. If you mark a product as no shipping in the product edit page, it still gets lumped i n with the other products.

Needs to be looked into core php guys!

Hello. I think Flexy Promotions extension can help you.

Support / Re: Unknown error
« on: January 28, 2014, 09:08:12 AM »
Keep getting Unknown error when loading the product page. Also the related items now shown top down instead of across the page when clicking on the product related button.
Any ideas please.

Please post screensots and last errors from AbanteCart error log

Can someone please fix the bug?

You said it will be fxed in 1.1.8 ...

After upgrade there are still max. 10 global attributes in the dropdown (edit product > options > add option)


Thank you!

Issue confirmed. We will update this post with fix later

SEO / Re: Seo problems
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:50:50 AM »
Hi i want to start using this great e-commerce system but have problems with friendly url how can solve this issue please help

Hello. What problems/issues you have with 'friendly url' ?

Upgrade / Re: Upgraded error
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:07:04 AM »
Hello. Please try this solution

Support / Re: Shipping Methods
« on: January 27, 2014, 08:21:01 AM »

I have set my website's country to be located in Singapore. I was trying to set default_free_shipping and default_flat_rate to be available in only Singapore, but the system could not allow me to do so. I was unable to see any shipping options when i tried to checkout, despite my shipping country is Singapore. But, when i set it to be available in all countries, i can then checkout from my website.

However, if let's say i were to use an oversea address, the shipping rate stays the same, which becomes very frustrating for me. I would like to make my products available at different shipping costs to different countries. Is there any way to do so?

I've been trying so many ways but i can't do much...

Hello. Did you set up correctly location for Singapore?  In default demo data Singapore country have not any zones assigned.
Please try to add at least one zone for Singapore country see doc
then add it to your Singapore location see doc

I am just check this in AbanteCart 1.1.8 and Free Shipping method works fine with Singapore location.
Also for "oversea address" you can use Weight Based shipping it is allow to configure separate settings for each location see short manual

P.S for AbanteCart 1.1.7 there is small bug in flat rate shipping  it is already fixed in AbanteCart 1.1.8
You can try this fix. (do not forget to backup before any modifications)

Support / Re: Options dropdown BUG in product
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:20:59 AM »

Support / Re: Options dropdown BUG in product
« on: January 24, 2014, 10:04:41 AM »
Hello. Thank You for report.
This issue already fixed in AbanteCart 1.1.8 realise will be soon.

General Support / Re: Flat rate shipping doesn't seem to be working...
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:05:44 AM »
yes, free shipping in the US, $20 flat rate shipping to Canada

Hi. I think there is bug in AbanteCart 1.1.7 related to flat rate Location setting. It is alredy fixed in AbanteCart 1.1.8
Please try this fix. (do not forget to backup before any modifications)

Feedback on My Store / Re: Best Cart Script
« on: January 23, 2014, 02:51:00 AM »
Working on a site where you do not need payment.
My site -

I have two questions.
How to remove specific menu from the admin panel?
Try this topic

How do I change the button on the home page banner slider?
We suggest to learn how to use Firebug in FireFox to inspect HTML and CSS. This will help you inspect what you doing wrong and locate files that you need to edit.

Tip for banner slider: When you edit your slider's banner in admin Banner manager click on 'SOURCE' button to see html code of banner. Here you can add new css class for banner button or see existing

Thanks for showing me that link.  Yes, that is basically what I had figured out...which I had to find by right clicking on the picture and copy image url...that way I found the location of the file....I agree that there should be a note reminding folks that this needs to be done.  I'm sure that most of us would not want the stock fallback image on our website...we would want something that we had put in ourselves.  I hope Abantecart will take note of this and add a note where we are working on the banners.

Great idea Lee.
Thanks again for your help

Hello. Just for your info in AbanteCart 1.1.8 added ability to edit 'fallback image' in the Baner Manager. Hope release will be very soon

Built-in Features / Re: Remove add to cart and checkout
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:50:23 AM »
I don't suppose you know which thread? I've done a chunk of searching on remove cart, disable cart, disable checkout etc but drawn a blank.


Hello. Try this post

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