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Messages - ricardeaux

Pages: [1]
Extension Support / Stripe and Capture.
« on: February 29, 2024, 03:16:24 PM »
The documentation says:

Once orders with stripe are created, you can perform capture, void or refund in order section of AbanteCart admin

So I did a test using stripe c details, it processed naturally, I have it set to capture, but this conflicts with the documentation statement abvove, but then I cannot find anywhere on the orders page to capture?

I am I reading out of date docs?

Thanks in advance

Support / Re: Display Order on home page
« on: October 26, 2023, 05:14:39 PM »
Yes, I have seen that, but as I said in my first email, I have changed the date available a few times but that doesnt change the order of display in the Latest Products.

Support / Re: Display Order on home page
« on: October 26, 2023, 02:13:56 AM »
Thanks, its the latest products that i'm trying to sort.

I do not see a latest block. unless its .tpl ( oooh nooo)

Support / Display Order on home page
« on: October 25, 2023, 11:20:26 PM »
Hi all and thanks for reading.

I have only 5 products on the home page, and I am attempting to put them in order.

I have tried, price > low to High
I have tried setting the Sort Order to the way i want them
I have tried changing the date available of the product

But still, I cannot get them to display in the way I want.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated

Opinions / A BIG thank you!
« on: October 25, 2023, 06:12:17 AM »

Great board. Thank you.

Pages: [1]

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