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SEO / Reviews on storefront
« on: August 24, 2018, 01:41:00 AM »

I have reviews submitted by customers but cannot see them on the storefront although in Settings >> General >> Allow reviews is ON and customers reviews are approved.

Help is appreciated

General Support / Bad paid support
« on: August 22, 2018, 09:31:24 AM »

I have been using abantecart platform for about 2 years and it is a very good cart, flexible, multistore, easy to use .....

lately i needed to fix and issue with the send mail and contact form and i referred to the paid support, paid $59 for an hour work and the issue was solved incorrect, since monday august 20, 2018 i have been sending emails to informing them that the contact form was not fixed correctly and i am not getting any reply.

i appreciate an opinion from the developers of the cart

General Support / Multistore issue
« on: July 06, 2018, 03:19:31 PM »

I have a multistore problem and it is new maybe it is a bug that needs immediate attention, please go to my site it is a bit hard for me to explain. this bug is on the second store.

the first store this problem is not available, see first store URL

Please help

Extension Support / Forms manger extension
« on: May 26, 2018, 12:09:24 PM »

I have a mail issue problem, searched a lot and tried a lot of tricks and previously submitted this problem on this forum.

The Contact Us form does not work with the smtp configuration because my host does not accept the FROM field to be other than the my default email but it works with the PHP mail function.

On the other hand, the SENDMAIL feature, new account registration, or when order is placed i do not receive any email notifications if the Mail settings are PHP mail.

Please advise how i can solve this problem.


General Support / Email alerts not working
« on: April 09, 2018, 08:57:33 AM »

i have a problem after the upgrade of abantecart 1.2.12

after the upgrade no additional email alerts are sent and also on order creation no email are sent.

Can anyone please help?? i searched the forum if anybody has this problem but did not find anything.

Customization help / Google analytics code
« on: February 28, 2018, 02:10:01 PM »
I have google analytics tracking code on my cart and recently i installed google tag assistant which checks the pages you surf for errors, and the result was that google assistant tags give the following error message {Code found outside of <head> tag} the code should be in the head tag otherwise the statistics will not be recorded correctly.

How can i enter the code in the <head> tag


Extensions and Add-Ons / Extension for Facebook
« on: February 05, 2018, 11:48:33 AM »

It would be a good idea to make an extension that will connect with Facebook shop and upload images, product titles, product description, prices, offers .....etc and any modification, deletion or new products will be updated on Facebook shop

I searched the marketplace and didn't find such an extension, i think that such an extension will be a great and will help sellers to increase sales with less efforts.

I think that Shopify and BigCommerce have such features

General Extensions / Neowize does not work correctly
« on: January 20, 2018, 05:15:55 AM »

Neowize extension is not collecting data correctly, the sales is not counted so that it does not unlock in the products section. Possibly that other features of Neowize also are not correct if the data is not collected.

I have abantecart 1.2.12 and also the same previously version 1.2.11

How can i fix this problem??

General Support / Bulk upload errors
« on: August 30, 2017, 10:44:01 AM »

I searched the forum for error issues about bulk upload and have followed the steps of bulk upload here

for new products entered a new column named "action" and for new products row i enter  in this row "insert" but i get this error
Missing relation ID product_id for update_or_insert action in table product_descriptions. Skipping.


General Support / Swap between multiple stores
« on: June 25, 2017, 12:31:12 AM »

I have a multi store setup and in the admin panel when switch to the second store i cannot return [switch back] to the default store unless i logout clear browser cache and re-login the admin panel

How can this issue be fixed


Support / Default store setting
« on: June 18, 2017, 12:56:14 PM »

I am facing some problems in the site and according to natani the developer of the monnika theme he believes that this is an issue incorrect default store settings and of course it is an abantecart issue.

maybe the origin of the cause of this problem is that i cloned the templates and then installed the developer tools, i want to fix these issues and if need to be a paid service that will be OK for me

General Support / Fresh installation
« on: June 09, 2017, 02:10:22 PM »

I want to do a new fresh installation of abantecart and uninstall the previous installation my question is how to restore all the database, configurations and media files.

I will do it as explained below and inform me please if i am correct:

1-create a backup of the whole database either from myphp or the admin panel, possibly sql file
2- Where are the media files located in order to re upload all media
3- save the config.php file and the htaccess file in order to restore the configurations.

am i correct and is there anything else need to be done???

Tips and Tricks / Redirect customer
« on: June 07, 2017, 02:03:12 PM »
I have a multistore setup one for retail and the other for wholesale i want that if a customer is registered as wholesaler to be redirected from the retail store to the wholesale store.

Is this option available in abantecart


General Support / abantecart v.1.2.10
« on: April 27, 2017, 05:04:11 AM »
Hi i am facing some problems with v1.2.10 after upgrading from v1.2.9 and maybe that the upgrade copied where not copied correctly or there was some sort of error.

maybe if i upload all files of v1.2.10 via ftp and overwrite the old one may solve the problem.

My question:
If i want to upload the v1.2.10 files all of them which directories / files other that than the install directory should be excluded in order not change the site configrations??

can i do such an upload

General Support / Strange URL's
« on: April 22, 2017, 01:47:12 AM »

In admin panel >> Reports >> Customers >> Online i notice strange URL's that are not related in any way to the site, an example URL

I don't have BLOG and the strange .aspx 

From does this come from?? and what does it mean?


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