« on: June 08, 2013, 04:42:48 PM »
Usualy, an european invoice contains the folowing data:
1. Header Section:
1.1. Title of the invoice - EDITABLE in case the invoice has a fiscal value
1.2. Serial number (prefix and number of the invoice)
1.3. Invoice date
1.4. Seller logo
1.5. Seller Data
1.5.1. Seller Name
1.5.2. Seller Registration Number at the Comerce Office
1.5.3. Seller Code
1.5.4. Seller Addres
1.5.5. Seller phone, fax, email
1.5.6. Seller Bank Accounts
1.6. Buyer Data (there are diferences for company buyers and private person buyers). In case of companies buyer data has the same fields like Seller data. In case of private person, Registration Number is replaced by ID number and Code is replaced by Personal Identification Code.
1.7. VAT Rate (%)
2. Content section (tabelar form)
2.1. Column - Current Number
2.2. Column - Product
2.3. Column - Quantity
2.4. Column - Unit price without taxes
2.5. Column - Price without taxes (2.3. * 2.4.)
2.6. Column - VAT Value (2.5 * 1.24) = if the VAT rate is 24% as example
2.7. Subtotals Row
2.7.1. Total prices without taxes
2.7.2. Total VAT Value
2.8. Total Row ( 2.7.1. * 2.7.2.)
3. Footer Section
3.1. Data about the person who draw up the invoice (Name and ID) - EDITABLE
3.2. Data about shiping (name and ID of person who carry the goods) - EDITABLE
3.3. Date of reception
3.4. Signature for reception
3.5. Signature and stamp of the seller
3.6. Different mantions box - EDITABLE (that box can contain mantions about the goods, guarantee or fiscal mentions forcet by legislation)
If you think is necesary, I can provide you a general invoice model as a .pdf, .doc or .xml. I don't know yet how to create .tpl files.