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Messages - CoolSurfer

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Support / Re: Added another currency and issues begin
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:32:25 AM »
the script is stuck in the loop, it has some how taken the value of Rs for Dollars

It is showing rs as dollars and its crazy... lol

Support / Re: Added another currency and issues begin
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:31:46 AM »
Basara the product eg if is for Rs 4000 it is showing as USD 4000 with the above settings...

And USD4000 then as per conversion rates translates into MVR.

i am PM you the site i am talking about.

Thanks :)

New Features Discussion / Re: Pl fix the pricing issue ...
« on: January 10, 2016, 09:46:42 PM »
You started this you move on... Its people like you who are bad for business and in this case you are pushing customers and clients for abantecart away with your
attitude and comments. Had I not liked abantecart i wouldnt have spent so many hours everyday taking snapshots and suggesting to make improvements in the software.

You dont need to "defend" the software developers, the way you are talking it seems you want them to do something else and my suggestions might make them change their mind
on what you want and they might start spending time to fix according to my suggestions.

Yes if the developers find my suggestions annoying then i will stop suggesting.

Support / Re: Added another currency and issues begin
« on: January 10, 2016, 11:03:12 AM »
in MVR ...

I have disables indian rupee, cleared the cache ... still...

Support / Re: Added another currency and issues begin
« on: January 10, 2016, 11:01:51 AM »
in dollar

Support / Added another currency and issues begin
« on: January 10, 2016, 11:01:20 AM »
I added MVR - maldivian rufia as currency, dollar being the basic currency...

but now suddenly all hell has broken lose, the rates in indian currency are showing as dollar

eg true price rs 6500 is showing as USD 6500, and in MVR in lakhs

New Features Discussion / Re: Pl fix the pricing issue ...
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:09:09 AM »
You need to take a chill pill... you don't even know how much money I donate to free freeware developers. And I don't have to prove anything to you.
I had this suggestion and I still have it. I posted it.
You don't like it close the post and move on.
Had I chosen to goto presta  I wouldn't have bothered to try to make the abate software better with suggestions.

You are the one who is being rude and not proactive.

New Features Discussion / Re: Pl fix the pricing issue ...
« on: January 10, 2016, 01:46:41 AM »
This is actually like a forced fix to a glaring issue. I am sure many people must have noticed this and instead of complaining about it must have decided to move to
another software like prestashop or something. Its like asking your visitors give a negative message that there are discrepencies... move to another site.
Should be modified.

Instead of the price difference being displayed, the software can calculate the final price in the background and display the modified price.

Logic should prevail, not the issue of liking or not liking by the programmer.

The naive visitor doesnt know calculations, and if the - before the price is a hyphen or a minus sign.

When the visitor is going to click on buy, there shoyld be no distractions. All in good taste :)

New Features Discussion / Re: Pl fix the pricing issue ...
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:40:18 AM »
Thanks your suggestion makes sense, maybe this way of putting the price should be added in the help file also.

New Features Discussion / Pl fix the pricing issue ...
« on: January 08, 2016, 07:56:11 AM »
Pl fix this issue, i would just move away from that page where i see some discrepency in the rates, i would never click on buy once i see this in the drop down menu.

In the end it does do the calculations correct, but a buyer should be knowing he is operating on abantecart and this visual discrepency will not lead to cheating in the end. :D

its working beautifully...  8)

Thank you ...

Which are the pages where google reCAPTCHA script has to be put in order to enable n make google reCAPTCHA API functioning?

Where does the step 2 code go?

New Features Discussion / Multiple Sellers and Buyers pl
« on: January 07, 2016, 07:11:09 AM »
There's only one and only one similarity amongst all shopping carts till now', they dont have this Multiple Sellers and Buyers pl feature.
If you can add this feature abantecart will then be a most sought after shopping cart.

You can make a paid extension, fair enough :D

Security / Re: Got admin access without password- Serious
« on: January 07, 2016, 02:34:30 AM »
admin/controller/responses/common/captcha.php is there and has file permission od 644

is that correct?

GD is enabled..

Didnt touch the php.ini file.

Any suggestions pl..

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