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Messages - Nimitz1061

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Payment Modules / Re: Help with PayPal extension installation.
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:47:22 AM »
Shipping module allow you to restrict which payment modules are presented if they are selected.

Check your shipping module settings, and see if the COD module is selected on one or more of them.  If so, un-check the box and  save settings.  May have to clear cache to see results..


Support / Re: Error: File is too small
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:42:49 AM »
I'm not sure max upload size would cause a file too small error.

Sounds like something someone might throw for a 0 length file or something..


Sounds like time to start looking at who is responsible for the Softaculous installer, and whether that value can be configured somewhere....


General Support / Re: Google Analytics
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:16:41 AM »
This seems to be a lot of work to get Google Analytics on your site.  In other shopping carts you just paste your Google Analytics code in to a box and press save - is this going to be a feature in future release (please)?  :)

Actually, getting Google Analytics to "work" on your site is just that easy in ANY shopping cart, including this one.  If you are willing to accept a low enough value of "works".

I  (and most of my clients) expect a bit more than just counting clicks and generating some page statistics.  This is after all, an eCommerce application - so ecommerce tracking should be the minimum standard.  That takes more work on every cart I've seen.

Another factor is that not everyone chooses Google Analytics to track their site performance and behaviors.   Our clients also use Piwik, Channel Advisor and other tracking systems.  So, what the cart should have, as standard, is an analytics framework.  Which is what I've been working towards.   


setting auto_translate_status to '0' in phpMyAdmin also fails to address this.

Further, looking at the upgrade.php file, I checked the conditions that the file looks for in the database, and did not find them.

In my case at least, this would seem to be immaterial to the fatal error..

Looking at the files in the upgrade only tarball, I see that there is NO public_html/core/version.php file.

Adding this does not fix the problem however...

Also,  your listed steps do not include information on what to do with the upgrade.php file which is located above the code/ folder.


I have the same issue.

I have done all of the things you listed.

The problem remains.


I'm not seeing any attention being paid here as to whether Thunderbird is set to allow image display in any of the tests being performed.

Also, keep in mind that some security tools will prevent image display in mail - and I haven't seen any discussion of that..


Built-in Features / Re: Multiple Checkout...
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:19:05 AM »
It would be a good feature I think to allow payment split in multiple processors. Something to consider.

     Sending Money to seller partially from one and then from others is a bad bad idea .

I quite agree.  It is however, one which is encouraged by the various credit card companies from time to time.  In fact, at one point, VISA was going to require this capability from all ecommerce merchants. 

They had to back off, as most of them refused to implement the capability.

That said, there are a number of interesting requests in terms of managing checkout floating around out there - many of them from experienced brick and mortar vendors who want to parallel their physical store operations more closely on the web. ...

Hi Sir ,
    when i See My Error Log ,I Have Several Lines Of This

"2013-01-08 19:01:28 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.2 ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in <b>/home/lynxdeal/public_html/core/lib/session.php</b> on line <b>33</b> "

    Can You Tell Me what This Error Is Related To .I Am Not finding Any Issues In Running AbanteCart Cart Though

php.ini have directive for disabling any function call. Please read this
To address this issue you have to ask your hosting provider about disabling. Probably you can enable ini_set by your own, custom, php.ini.

Sir ,
    How Does It Effect The Cart ? .Is Some Functionality Missing due To this Error

These issues affect session behavior.  The short story on sessions is that they are a means to carry data about what a user is doing  with the site from one page to the next because without them the site could not behave coherently enough to accomplish work.

About line 31 of core/lib/sessions.php you will see something like:

Code: [Select]
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 'On');
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 'Off');
        ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 'On');

What this does is:

A. tell the system to use 'cookies' (little files on the users computer which are then sent back to the server with information it needs to work correctly for the client).
B. tell the system to let Abantecart set the "session id" to prevent it from getting confused by outside data.
C. tell the system to mark the cookie so that it won't be provided to Javascript components, but ONLY to the HTML components. (roughly).

These help keep your site working correctly and safely.

These can also be configured in either a php configuration file named php.ini (usually) or via an 'htaccess' file in your web root.

If you copy this post to your web host they should be able to help you out now.


Hi Sir ,
    when i See My Error Log ,I Have Several Lines Of This

"2013-01-08 19:01:28 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.2 ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in <b>/home/lynxdeal/public_html/core/lib/session.php</b> on line <b>33</b> "

    Can You Tell Me what This Error Is Related To .I Am Not finding Any Issues In Running AbanteCart Cart Though

php.ini have directive for disabling any function call. Please read this
To address this issue you have to ask your hosting provider about disabling. Probably you can enable ini_set by your own, custom, php.ini.

More probably, they can't.   Odds are still only 50/50 that they can even use a php.ini file in their own webspace.   

General Support / Re: Cart error in Windows 7
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:12:25 PM »
First,  in circumstances such as this it is always helpful to find out what the error message is, and to supply that message in your post.

Without it, anyone trying to help you is working blind.  Not good.

That said, I have seen that there is a new vulnerability fix in todays Microsoft Windows updates.  It addresses a flaw in the SSL/TLS handling routines which allows malicious third parties to force the connection from the latest SSL3 protocol down to SSL2.  The advantage to them is that SSL2 uses weaker encryption - making it easier to break the cipher and read the stream contents. This would allow them to discover user names and passwords, and conduct "man in the middle" attacks by imitating your site content in various ways.

One (quite remote) possibility is that someone is attempting such an attack and your server has SSL 2 support switched off as a security measure.

Can you tell us more about the error message??


Built-in Features / Re: Multiple Checkout...
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:21:25 AM »
I understood her query to be about offering multiple payment options on the checkout payment page - which I understand Abantecart can do, with the limit that it does not allow partial payments via multiple gateways in the same transaction....


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