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Messages - pakfones

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i am not sure because i am not a developer but i have seen if we exceed the banner width it increased to left to right. so the default size is 280x150 you can try with this method i hope it will work.

280*4=1120  now 1120 / 3 = 373.33 so you can make an banner 373.33x150

Hi i am still in wait is there my suggestion is use less?

Idea Polls / Re: AbanteCart Multivendor and Marketplace capabilities
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:15:09 PM »
Thanks so much.............

Idea Polls / Re: AbanteCart Multivendor and Marketplace capabilities
« on: April 02, 2016, 03:30:24 AM »
i am talking about default option not extensions textmarketer i have seen this is only for uk users i not seen for pakistan.

Hi, Dear AbanteCart Team i have installed AbanteCart to my store site link aprox one month ago and my customization almost complete. I found AbanteCart best then others but i am very disappointed deue less writing tools available in Description writing window. like Font style, font size, insert image, insert video,  i can add images and videos in add media option but some time we need to add small images to our posts. i know we can do all with html but every user not know html like me. check i have attached two pics with this post one from AbanteCart forum and second from AbanteCart store.

Part two
please add ability to make a custom description page to select for different products. for example i want to add mobile phone for sale so i select mobile phone specification from drop down. if i need to add mobile phone charger i select fixed page for charger description from drop down. So only add ability for custom description. user will add there needed data in description forms.

phone Brand: xxxxxxxxx
phone Model: xxxxxxxxx
Battery:  3200 mAh
Memory: 32 GB
SD Card: Available

so we will have 70% data already in side our description page.

Thanks in advance.

Idea Polls / Re: AbanteCart Multivendor and Marketplace capabilities
« on: April 01, 2016, 03:39:15 PM »
Hi, i found second and third option 'edit block Main Page Promo' under Design>Blocks>Home_page_layout>Main page promo

System>Localization>Stock status
we can add more status now in this setting.

Sorry for the posting may be this will help other members like me.

Support / Re: column left in layout not appear
« on: April 01, 2016, 03:00:22 PM »
Ok thanks so much for reply.


E-Commerce Laws / Re: Copyright notice removal license
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:05:36 PM »
Thanks dahili its working tested. i have changed to custom name after reading this post. i know already this method but not conform where exactly in AbanteCart. Thanks to AbanteCart Team for conforming that wen change Powered by text to custom text and link.

Opinions / Re: What Version are you using?
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:50:25 AM »
I am using latest version 1.2.6

Idea Polls / Re: AbanteCart Multivendor and Marketplace capabilities
« on: April 01, 2016, 06:08:47 AM »
I also love this this will bring Abantecart to top Commerce script we need also some more features like

1= SMS verification to customer,s mobile at registration time also at order placed successfully.

2= I also not found The item is sold mark on front end may be its my mistake in not understand where it placed.

3= also  facing problem in changing these fields. not found please let me know where this setting can be found?
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Support / column left in layout not appear
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:09:13 PM »
Hi dear support team i have problem column left  in layout setting not working i added categories widget and turn it on but not appearing. i also have problem with template not looking good when i brows site in small screen resulation also on mobile. site link is

Thanks in advance.

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