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Installation and Configuration / Login Username / Email issue
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:53:36 AM »
i have pre-install with customer login as User name.
And when I change to login with email.

example. user name tim88 which have

and user registered with username and email.

but when I changed to login with email.

Account cant not login as, but it still able to login with user name.

Please help, as i have seen there is not much customer want to remember a username. and I dont want to ask them to re-registered again.

General Discussion / PayPal when Customer using Balance?
« on: September 07, 2014, 07:21:36 AM »
I have a problem with paypal. when customer using their account balance to checkout.
if the balance is enough to cover the whole cost, the total cost will become zero.

But how to customer checkout in this case? Since it will lead buyer to paypal checkout page and taking the whole cost if cost in zero.

and I am asking if that possible still checkout when there is not cost needed when using balance.

I am think of using COD, but this will lead to some buyer not using paypal and using COD but not actual payment.

Please help

General Support / Export Product Feature
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:22:30 PM »
I have tried to export product and tick the Feature field, but when I see the CSV, I dont see the Feature filed

also when I using CSV import, it will caused error, but it good when using Txt delimited

Please suggest how to fix the Feature Tab?

API Development / Re: PayPal IPN?
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:06:10 AM »
both PayPal Express, PayPal standard having same issue.

ok , now I switch on IPN in paypal with host URL to enable it.

but as I am have issue on the both with Weight Based Shipping.
Customer from USA, and my store is set with Hong Kong Location.

please see the attachment, and address is correct, but shipping country on the invoice are incorrectly
and i having few orders now having same issue.

I also try to paypal@sandbox account, that show correctly with sandbox. but it having this issue when using real paypal account.

Extension Support / Re: Paypal Express Checkout not finding shipping options
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:39:19 AM »
Just more information

you can see the address and shipping country are different

Extension Support / Re: Paypal Express Checkout not finding shipping options
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:33:47 AM »
I am using Paypal standard, and i think there is no IPN URL, and order payment cant return, so I install paypal express.

but when I getting 2 orders and using Weight Based Shipping.

It seems the shipping country isnt return or pass correctly. My store location is set to Hong Kong.

and both orders are from USA.

But in the order detail, there is indicated with Hong Kong country shipping, but invoice shipping address is USA.

This is nightmare for both paypal standard / express having this issue.

Please tell me how to fixed it.

Extension Support / Re: PayPal standard IPN Return URL?
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:45:04 AM »
How can i enable
Yea.....  solved the IPN web address. It should start with

Only thing i could find close to that is 'Subscriber.php' under account files and after testing this it still does not provide any information on the store of any kind of purchase

and I don see there is a Subscriber.php in the file system?

Also, how to enable IPN with paypal? as it must enter a IPN address

Support / Re: Paypal ipn question..
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:45:21 AM »
if i am understand correctly, does it mean only PayPal Express will return the order detail and not paypal standard ?

since I am also wonder where is the paypal IPN?

but when i see the paypal express, in case if customer doesnt select shipping address (for shipping cost), it will not still able to check out without shipping cost via paypal express.

API Development / Re: PayPal IPN?
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:40:01 AM »
Sorry, but i am not very sure.

I just switch my cart into abantecart, and I have an order and customer paid with paypal, but I dont see there is any order created into my cart. and the product stock doesnt not reduce.

since if there is IPN return, how does  abantecart get the payment and order detail once customer paid?

i have read the post, but I have no very quite , but please do not tell me I need to add the item for customer manually.

thank you for answer

API Development / PayPal IPN?
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:49:34 AM »
i just set up with paypal , and I am wonder do I need to enter the paypal IPN when I set up the paypal payment, or abantecart doesnt needed?

Customization help / Re: Option thumb image and product zoom
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:48:00 AM »
I hope someone can give me some example. and I want to display like pop out zoom window like cloud zoom web page show.

Customization help / Help, search with Model or SKU
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:46:08 AM »
is that possible to search on shop front with Model or SKU?
thank you for asnswer

Customization help / Option thumb image and product zoom
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:37:36 AM »
I wonder if the product options thumb  image can be show below the selection box when the page load and not after it click?

also, does the picture zoom can be enlarge rather the zoom inside the pre-set image placeholder?

Like the cs-cart does?

Can the Block Product From Ordering auto apply for 0 product? Since sometime is good to keep the out of stock product for web searching.

General Discussion / Customer user name import
« on: August 19, 2014, 02:01:30 AM »
i am trying to merge my zencart into Abantecart, I think this is a great function, but as abantecart using User name to login for customer.

Which import will generate a very long user name (like a code), which I think should be able to change the user name by customer login with email. but it does not able to login with email.

so this is need to ask customer re-create account. as no one can remember the generate user name.

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