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Topics - BengalEmpire767

Pages: [1]
So, there were a few forum posts regarding this issue, but none of them fixed my problem. On the main page (default template), there is a category dropdown menu. And you would think that you can just add a category or a subcategory to it.

So, you make a category, and it tells you that, in order to use it, you need to add it to the layout of the page. Fair enough. So you head to the Layout tab, and...

yeah, what am I supposed to do here  :( ? I can delete, reorder, and edit the html of the blocks that allow it, switch up the other pages too I guess, but none of them add the category to the dropdown menu. None of the solutions from the forum posts worked for me, so I thought to post again. Sorry for posting for the second time so soon after the first one but I am at a loss here.

General Support / How to customize main page carousel on Novator?
« on: October 13, 2024, 07:30:37 AM »
So, Novator (the default template), has a block on the main page (Novator Main Page Carousel).
Since "SEO Friendly" and "Fast Loadnig" are probably not what you would want on a storefront, I went about editing the html, unfortunately, just replacing the image seemed to break the carousel (the image appeared, but the page just plain broke, didn't happen on the old default template though.). Is there any intended way to do this?

On another note, while I don't have a problem with it right now, I also don't know how to change the position of the text. Only being able to change the text itself isn't really helpful and basically makes it look like I just modified a generic html template I downloaded off the internet (ok that's a bit harsh, sorry).

So, uh, how do you customize the main carousel? The AbanteCart documentation and YouTube channel don't seem to contain any information on this, last time I checked.

Support / How to change font of Abantecart Page?
« on: September 20, 2024, 02:24:13 AM »
I want to change the default font, I have searched but cannot find option to change font anywhere. Please help.

Pages: [1]

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