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Messages - yonghan79

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This is what is in products.tpl file:

Code: [Select]
$hookVarArray = $this->getHookVar('product_description_array');
                if( $hookVarArray ){
                foreach($hookVarArray as $key=>$hkVar){ ?>
                <div class="accordion-item">
                    <h2 class="accordion-header" id="heading<?php echo $key?>>">
                        <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse<?php echo $key?>"
                                aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse<?php echo $key?>">
                            <?php echo $hkVar['title']; ?>
                    <div id="collapse<?php echo $key?>" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="heading<?php echo $key?>" data-bs-parent="#productDetailsAccordion">
                        <div class="accordion-body">
                            <?php echo $hkVar['html']; ?>

Hi core devs,

I'm found this hook "$this->getHookVar('product_description_array')" in the product.tpl file.

I have tried to add array like this:

Code: [Select]
$tabs['Test'] = [
       'title' => $view->fetch('pages/test/test_tab.tpl'),
       'html' => $view->fetch('pages/test/test_content.tpl')

It's not working.

I tried to debug in the tpl file and found out that the variable is set as a string contains 'array', not a real array.

Development Help Needed / Re: Override or hook into AForm and AHtml
« on: November 13, 2024, 11:04:28 AM »
How do we allow the custom captcha html element to be available as selection for admin to choose from the field type list? so it is loaded in the contact us form.

Development Help Needed / Re: Override or hook into AForm and AHtml
« on: November 12, 2024, 10:44:06 AM »
i mean like custom captcha

Development Help Needed / Override or hook into AForm and AHtml
« on: November 12, 2024, 06:06:48 AM »
Hi, core developers,

i want to ask if it's possible to override AForm and AHtml and then use the overriden as the default one to be used by cart?

I would like to add a custom HTML field that core code can access as well, such as the default contact us form.


Hi core devs,

how do we restrict customer from being able to login to other store that was set by using multistore?

e.g. we have a VIP and Wholesale store. Wholesale customer should not be able to login to VIP store.

AbanteCart v1.3.4 and v1.4.0.

General Discussion / Re: Second level breadcrumb is removed in 1.4.0?
« on: September 12, 2024, 12:56:19 PM »
The most current patch of this is available at our patch files here:

Handoyo from
The Support Team
We Hear You 2, Inc  (WHY2)

General Discussion / Re: Second level breadcrumb is removed in 1.4.0?
« on: September 11, 2024, 12:29:44 PM »
Hi abolabo,

i just found out that the breadcrumb is correct, but now the products that doesn't belong to the subcat is shown too.

i test the patch in a clean 1.4.0 site.

i attached both storefront category page and admin product page for the product that shouldn't show in the category page.

General Discussion / Re: Second level breadcrumb is removed in 1.4.0?
« on: September 10, 2024, 10:39:38 AM »
Thanks abolabo, the patch file works.

General Discussion / Second level breadcrumb is removed in 1.4.0?
« on: September 09, 2024, 11:37:48 PM »
Hi core devs,

i want to ask why does the second level breadcrumb is removed?

For example i open Home > Apparel & accessories > Shoes. the breadcrumb only shows Home > Shoes.

Please refer to the attached screenshot.

I test in a clean 1.4.0 installation. Both novator and default template are the same.

thanks, i see it now

Hi core devs,

i would like to ask where can we download abantecart_1.4.0_upgrade_only.tar.gz?

General Discussion / Re: Existing fast checkout extension removed or not
« on: August 12, 2024, 04:59:36 AM »
Thanks for the information Basara.

General Discussion / Existing fast checkout extension removed or not
« on: August 11, 2024, 02:11:23 PM »
HI Basara,

Currently we are testing AbanteCart v1.4.0 beta, we download it from Github.

I know that the default checkout is replaced by fast checkout.

My question is will the fast checkout extension automatically be removed from the extension list when we upgrade to v1.4.0 or we need to manually remove it?


General Discussion / Re: When does preview layout will be impmented?
« on: July 10, 2024, 04:07:38 AM »
Hi abolabo,

i mean preview layout function within v1.4.0.

line 3-8

Code: [Select]
/* preview development is not complete. future */
if ($preview_id) { ?>
<div class="alert alert-info">
    <?php echo $text_preview_generated?> <a href="<?php echo $preview_url?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $text_click_here?></a>
<?php }

line 40-45
Code: [Select]
//Note yet implemented
        if (isset($this->request->get['preview_id'])) {
            $preview_id = $this->request->get['preview_id'];
            $layout_data['preview_id'] = $preview_id;
            $layout_data['preview_url'] = HTTP_CATALOG.'?preview='.$preview_id.'&layout_id='.$preview_id.'&page_id='.$page_id;

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