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How-to questions / Re: Hi need help
« on: January 28, 2025, 07:31:16 PM »
If you go to Design--> Layout and select home page from the drop down menu you can see all the blocks being loaded for that page.

The block in your picture is Novator Icon block and you can edit the html block (Gear Icon) to whatever you would like, or delete/move that block in the layout section

Support / Re: File Cache expected behavior
« on: January 28, 2025, 03:34:46 PM »
Yes the file creation isn't causing the cpu but something in rebuilding the cache. I found some inconsistancies in some of the data in the products table, inconsistant collation and some tables set as innodb instead of myisam. Just trying to pinpoint the bottleneck and expected behavior of abantecart and confirming it was normal to rebuild all the cache in the product folder every time a sale or edit occurred.

Support / File Cache expected behavior
« on: January 27, 2025, 07:57:29 PM »
I wanted to see if this is expected behavior or I have an issue on my local install. When editing a product and saving is it normal for the entire product cache folder deleted and have the product cache completely rebuilt instead of that individual cache file?

Also on checkout (order success) the product cache folder is completely deleted and rebuilt leading to a lot of CPU processing when editing or when a sale has gone through. Not sure if this is expected behavior with cache or an issue on my end.

I have also tried memcached and while I haven't ran it to fully debug the performance indicates it is dropping the entire cache instead of just the individual key to rebuild.

How-to questions / Re: Hi need help
« on: January 27, 2025, 01:50:58 PM »
You can edit that by editing the Novator Main Page Carousel block. Login as admin, go to Design --> Blocks --> and find the Novator Main Page Carousel, You can also go to Design --> Layout --> Home Page and click on the edit button on the Novator Main Page Carousel block. . You can modify the HTML as appropriate. The text you referring to is in this section:
Code: [Select]
<div class="col-md-5 text-start">
                  <p class="h5">Feature rich with smart UI</p>
                  <h1 class="my-4 h2"><span class="text-primary">Easy & Fun</span> To Manage</h1>
                  <p class="mb-4">Feature reach shopping cart application right out of the box. Standard features allow
                    to set up complete eCommerce site with all the tools needed to sell products online.</p><a href="#" class="btn btn-outline-dark">Install Now</a>

General Support / Re: Layout Menu Not updating in 1.4.1
« on: January 23, 2025, 04:02:46 PM »
Never mind. That menu must of been cached. I refreshed and its now working with listing out the product side menu.

General Support / Layout Menu Not updating in 1.4.1
« on: January 23, 2025, 03:44:47 PM »
Looks like the demo website still is on 1.4.0 so wasn't able to confirm if this is isolated to my install or not.

The Drop Down Page in the Layout & Blocks Manager is not populating an active link for all items in the menu. Customer, Product, checkout, category and collection are not active links.
The html generated look like this with a missing href
<a id="dppagesproductproduct" class="d2d-dropdown">Product</a>

Using the novator theme.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Database Performance for a lot of Products
« on: December 30, 2024, 01:24:30 PM »
Yes I think it might be a cache issue if Abantecart attempts to clear the product cache after any type of product update I'll do some more digging as I am trying to avoid having to reimport all the data after dropping the tables. Interesting though it only is for one install and not the other using the same DB, same version just different folders on the host. Also running into mysql max users error during some peak CPU processing times (Currently set at the default 150 connections)

Tips and Tricks / Re: Database Performance for a lot of Products
« on: December 29, 2024, 03:07:24 PM »
Thanks guys, I wanted to update on what I have done so far as it doesn't appear to be an issue with the product table/ or database performance. I am still tracking down the issue on my end but abantecart appears to be handling the amount of products and categories just fine.

I tried to do some tracing and error capturing and I am going through that still. I did do a fresh install of abantecart and pointed that install to the existing database. Adding/Editing products was just fine and storefront was behaving as expected and copied all the resources over to the new store in case we had some heavy processing for some reason. I then made that fresh install my primary store by renaming the folders (My site's store is in /shop directory). Once renamed the now new install is having the same issue with spiking CPU upon editing products and the old install is not having the issue so I am leaning to some kind of local network routing issue or php path issue.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Database Performance for a lot of Products
« on: December 04, 2024, 12:20:50 PM »
PHP Version 8.3
AbanteCart Version 1.4.0
Template: Novator
Categories: 212 (17 parent categories, the rest childs)

The front end does ok and loads without resource spiking for the volume we get currently (4-5 concurrent users is generally the peak) but as soon as I start to edit a product in the admin section even with no current users hitting the site it causes the DB to spike in resources and often leads to 500 errors/timeouts for the front end.

Tips and Tricks / Database Performance for a lot of Products
« on: December 03, 2024, 10:10:34 PM »
My site is product heavy (currently have 6,400 products) and I am seeing ok performance on the UI and checkout process but adding or editing products from the admin section routinely will spike my RAM usage coming from the Database performance causing timeout/500 errors to be generated. Before I upgrade my hosting again or split my DB and APP to different servers would figure if anyone else had a high product store using abantecart and any other performance tips they could provide.

Current Virtual Machine provided by hosting provider:
6 CPU Cores
250 GB SSD Storage
10.6.20-MariaDB - MariaDB Server
Apache 2.4.62

General Support / Re: Product Import Error
« on: November 20, 2024, 10:29:52 PM »
Thank you that resolved the issue. I was able to disable mod_security and then run the import and also revert back the task.php permission back to 755 and it completed without error.

Support / Issue with sort in collections page
« on: November 18, 2024, 06:49:59 PM »
Found a bug and can replicate it in the demo store. Trying to sort in a collection page leads to a friendly 404 error in abantecart.

1) Go to collections page in the storefront (
2) Click on the dropdown and select a different sort order of products

3) Page loads "The page you requested cannot be found!" error in the storefront.

General Support / Error on status & Comments
« on: November 18, 2024, 05:14:50 PM »
When attempting to update an order and notify the customer after clicking on add order history (in admin--Orders-->status & Comments) I get the following only for guests. When clicking back from the below error message the status and message is saved to the database but the email is not sent.  If a person creates a customer account the update works as expected and sends the email.
There has been a critical error processing your request
Error: Could not load model checkout/fast_checkout
#1 /devshop/shop/admin/model/sale/order.php:1143
#2 /devshop/shop/admin/controller/pages/sale/order.php:1156
#3 devshop/shop/core/engine/dispatcher.php:306
#4 //devshop/shop/core/engine/dispatcher.php:341
#6 /devshop/shop/core/engine/router.php:204
#7 /devshop/shop/core/engine/router.php:86
#8 /devshop/shop/index.php:97
in /devshop/shop/core/engine/loader.php on line 126

General Support / Product Import Error
« on: November 18, 2024, 05:03:52 PM »
Trying to use the Product import process on 1.4. When importing I get the following messages displayed.
Step 1 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)
Step 2 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)
Step 3 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)
Step 4 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)
Step 5 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)
Step 6 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)
Step 7 - failed. (Connection error occurred. HTTP-status:403)

When checking the server logs I get file permission is restricted for script: /devshop/shop/task.php. I have verified the file permissions and adjusted them from 755 to 777 with the same result. Any ideas on what may be causing the restriction on task.php?

Looks like the decision had been made not to release 2.0 as open source according to the Readme in github?

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