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Almost all hosting providers include PHP Phar and PHP Zlib (PHP Zip) extensions as standard because they are essential for many applications. If your current hosting provider cannot enable these extensions, it might be worth considering switching to a hosting provider that supports them and with batter disk space to not worry about cache folder.

Alternatively, if switching hosting is not an option for now, you still have the possibility of upgrading manually. While it may require more effort, it can be a temporary workaround until you find a better hosting solution.
Built-in Features / Re: Shipping doesn't work at check out
« Last post by Basara on Today at 02:07:23 AM »
Probably, you’re using invalid USPS credentials. Please contact USPS support to resolve any issues with your account.
Built-in Features / Re: Shipping doesn't work at check out
« Last post by briansgood on January 20, 2025, 06:50:33 PM »
Thank you,   went through USPS tried to get it working from their side.   Log in was tried with different log ins.  Neither worked.
Abantecart version is 1.4
I have tried several friends addresses in a couple of states including local.  Doesn't work.
I do have a minimum weight set. It would be the weight of one item which is 10 0z.
Error log is in the pick
The site is
asked them, got this reply:


Unfortunately, those two extensions cannot be installed on our shared hosting server.

Best greetings,

i was thinking maybe just delete it all and start from scratch, was easier to build the site than it has been trying to update it lol

is there any other options?

Templates / Re: product pic on v.14.0
« Last post by Basara on January 20, 2025, 09:19:32 AM »
This issue is fixed in 1.4.1 you can find files to patch here
Templates / Re: product pic on v.14.0
« Last post by G. O. on January 20, 2025, 09:00:35 AM »
What is your theme?

the original one of novator which coming with last version of AbanteCart
Templates / Re: product pic on v.14.0
« Last post by Basara on January 20, 2025, 08:56:02 AM »
What is your theme?
Templates / product pic on v.14.0
« Last post by G. O. on January 20, 2025, 07:29:48 AM »

I just realized that the product pics taking all screen size on mobiles and this action preventing the screen from scrolling up or down, what to do in this case to make the pics more smaller on mobile screens to make scrolling up and down working fine?

General Support / Re: Product Order Status Incomplete
« Last post by G. O. on January 20, 2025, 05:10:03 AM »
I don't think so. they are at 2checkout not replying on my emails too.

We also reached out to 2Checkout regarding this issue and requested new test or sandbox access to properly test the integration. While we did receive a response, they unfortunately did not provide the test account we needed.

Given this limitation, we are considering removing the 2Checkout integration from AbanteCart to ensure the platform remains reliable for all users.

thank you for info...
Contact your hosting support and ask them to ensure that the PHP Phar and PHP Zlib (PHP Zip) extensions are enabled and properly configured on your server.
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