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Shipping Modules / Royal mail extension weight and size
« on: April 24, 2022, 10:58:37 AM »
Is  there a upgrade to this.

Royal mail calculats with weight plus box size. Box sizes are small, medium and large with weight catagories in medium and large. The extension only allows for weight!

I understand i have to edit the number strings to reflect the current prices.

As i say some weight catagory's in box size share a weight class with diffrent priceses.

Is there a update to this extention? i'm on V1.1

Or has anyone in the UK overcome this problem with a work around?

Thanks in advance :)

Hello, I'm a compleate noob.

I want to change the region from US to UK or British. I would think it will cause issues in the future if i don't.

If could do with a mentor as well if anyone is up for it?

I'm dyslexic so struggle reading up and mainly use yyoutube for most of my info and i casn't find upto date tutorals.

Regards Rich

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