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When I try to export products in a delimited file, my Windows system displays the error, "This App Can't Open. Your trial period for this app has expired".  It then tells me to go to the app store. 

1.  The export feature is not a third party app that I must purchase, is it?  I actually clicked on "go to store", but nothing happened.
2.  Is there something I can do to fix this?


I cannot find a bulk edit feature in AbanteCart.  Maybe I'm missing it?  I think it's pretty standard these days, in most carts. 

I would need to be able to change various fields such as price, quantity, or other details for several items simultaneously, rather than having to do each of possibly hundreds of changes separately.  I use a data feed API rather than a CSV to upload products, so it would be pretty inconvenient to have to use a CSV just for this purpose.


API Development / Adding products via API
« on: February 17, 2015, 11:25:18 AM »
Hello.  I am looking at using AbanteCart, but I need to make sure it can handle the following:

I need to be able to import products via an API.  My top supplier has a webservice API that allows me to pull their product information and updates.  I need to then feed that information into my store.  Previously (with another cart system), I was able to add products to the database directly, using that cart's SOAP based REST API.  It looks like Abantecart currently has no API commands for directly adding items to the database.

Is it possible to do this by creating an extension API, or is there something already in place that could accommodate this?


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