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API Development / Updating stock via API?
« on: March 11, 2021, 04:00:10 PM »
Hey all! I was looking to update the stock quantities of my products using the API after I import all the products. Was planning on using a google sheets to keep track and easily update the stock levels. Is this possible?


You are the man!! thank you so so much! if anyone else is using webflow and wants to use AbanteCart cart to handle the online store without paying additional 13$/month plus 2% transaction fees and be limited in products here is the solution . This also adds the ability to use promo codes.

click pages on right tap
the gear wheel to access page settings
Scroll down to before body tag
enter the following code to roll back Jquery update
<script src="h***s://" integrity="sha256-ihAoc6M/JPfrIiIeayPE9xjin4UWjsx2mjW/rtmxLM4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
(replace the **** with htpp

How-to questions / Embed Products Checkout/cart will not load on webflow
« on: January 08, 2021, 11:52:33 AM »
Hey everyone, I was hoping for a little help! I have a existing site built on webflow and looking to embed products and use the shopping cart / checkout modal. I have the product code on a test page and it loads, shopping bag counts up but no checkout appears. When using open in another tab/window it goes to checkout but with not items in cart.

Additional info:

Server/domain with abantecart is Godaddy
Website I want to embed in is built and hosted by webflow
Installed cloudflare SSL on godaddy,  Webflow comes with SSL
Abantecart setting I have Https in both URL site settings

my test url is h###s://

Thank you ! I hope this works this program is the only option I can find to embed and manage the backend store for free!

Pages: [1]

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