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Support / Re: How to change font of Abantecart Page?
« Last post by Basara on October 02, 2024, 06:49:19 AM »
OK, where to use the CSS code?

You can directly edit your theme's CSS file in hosting filemanager, such as /storefront/view/default/css/style.css or /extensions/novator/storefront/view/novator/css/tm_style.css. Additionally, you can use third-party extensions to modify the CSS
Extension Support / Re: How do I fix 403 error in text banner manager?
« Last post by daisymaria on October 01, 2024, 11:28:44 PM »
Ensure that the files and directories have the correct permissions. Typically, folders should have permissions set to 755, and files should be set to 644.
Installation and Configuration / Re: USPS Extension problem Webtools API vs USPS API
« Last post by perplexed on October 01, 2024, 11:53:27 AM »
I looked at the third party extension, and it is identically the same for setup. It allows for more enhancements but it appears to use the web tools API as well. So this would not work either. As an added note USPS API support has informed me that the webtools API for usps will retire on January 25th 2026. So it would appear the USPS extension as well as the third party USPS extension would break. The newer USPS API uses a more secure authentication process that requires a consumer key as well as a consumer secret key, as opposed to just a login and password. Stuck in a ditch......However Thank you for your response.
Shipping Modules / Re: Default UPS Extension
« Last post by Basara on October 01, 2024, 07:16:37 AM »
I wanted to share an update regarding the UPS API. AbanteCart has developed a new extension that includes OAuth support.
Installation and Configuration / Re: USPS Extension problem Webtools API vs USPS API
« Last post by Basara on October 01, 2024, 04:29:08 AM »

Did you try the third party extension?
Templates / Re: Novator Add to Cart not working
« Last post by Basara on October 01, 2024, 02:50:28 AM »
Please share link to your website
The post you're referring to is quite old. It's likely that the changes in version 1.4.0 are not compatible with 1.3.4. You might want to check the commits from March 2024 or consider upgrading AbanteCart to version 1.4.0

Thanks for your reply. I will upgrade AbanteCart to version 1.4.0 if cannot find other solutions.
Installation and Configuration / USPS Extension problem Webtools API vs USPS API
« Last post by perplexed on September 30, 2024, 05:43:22 PM »
New to AbanteCart Cart and becoming aware after countless hours of forum reading and manual reading, that something deeper was going on besides configuration of the USPS shipping extension that was not working with test products.
So we sent a couple of error log entries to USPS API support and received the following reply (below_. It appears AbanteCart cart is using WebTools API which is now considered legacy by the USPS support people. The newer API is USPS API. Can someone please confirm that this is the case? If so are there any plans to migrate over from WEBTOOLS to USPS API? I would really like to stay with AbanteCart Cart  as we like it. However, unable to get the USPS shipping extension functioning would be a deal breaker. Thank You,
Here is the response we received from USPS API support.
It looks like this online store (AbanteCart Cart) is using the Web Tools APIs, not USPS APIs. If you wish to continue to use AbanteCart Cart you will need to reach out to Otherwise you will need to find a different third party software that uses the USPS APIs.

Thank you,

Matthew | USPS API Support
Templates / Re: Novator Add to Cart not working
« Last post by Cathus3 on September 30, 2024, 07:30:05 AM »
the ones depicted in the screengrab have no options.

other items do have options (size etc)

BUT the add to cart on the gallery views does not add them whether they have options or not, I have to go to the individual item to add it to the cart
General Discussion / Re: Restrict customer from being able to login to other store
« Last post by Basara on September 30, 2024, 06:45:06 AM »
It's possible to create a restriction, but what should happen if the customer tries to register at other stores with the same email? What about customer groups?
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