Fresh Installation / "ret_code":50 The specified path is invalid. (code: 161) in core\cache\file.php
« on: August 08, 2019, 04:27:15 AM »
I'm installing AbanteCart on Azure WebApps using MariaDB with InnoDB, so I figured already lots of issues out but have still some troubles such as path issues. During the installation process I get the following error from the wizard:
All prerequisites should be fine; also the DB Connection works after changing MyISAM to InnoDB
"ret_code":50 The specified path is invalid. (code: 161) in core\cache\file.php on line 398
395 $new_path = $path.'_trash';
395 $renamed = false;
397 if (!is_dir($new_path)) {
398 if (rename($path, $new_path)) {
399 $path = $new_path;
400 $renamed = true;
401 }
402 }
All prerequisites should be fine; also the DB Connection works after changing MyISAM to InnoDB