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Topics - Atome2088

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Extension Support / Gift certificates and email auto sending
« on: October 25, 2014, 01:44:06 PM »

I bought the Gift certif extension this afternoon and installed it on my webshop and it installed well and seems working great.

But when testing it, I realized that someone would be able to order a gift certificate and not pay for it (because the customer in my webshop can pay his order when coming at my home with cash money, it's not forced to pay with Paypal or Bank transfer).
And then he would be able to use it in a real order! You can imagine that is not possible to keep such a thing!

My question is: is there some way to disable the auto sending of the gift email with the code? Or delay it after I manually check the payment is confirmed?

I hope my english was good enough to make me understand  :-[
Thank you for your time and have a nice day,

Extension Support / Paypal standard in french
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:46:24 PM »

I am using the Paypal standard extension for a french website.
The url for paying is something like
It's anoying because the french letters don't show (by exemple: the "é" becomes %&#)

Can you help me make appear a french Paypal website?
What should I do?
What if I copy the extension and modify the link for Will the process work like in english with the good parameters?

If there is someone who solved this problem, let me know please.

Thank you for your time,
Have a wonderful day,

Extension Support / Login with facebook extension is great.
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:39:20 PM »

I bought and installed successfully the "login with facebook (and google)" to my e-commerce site (
Now the customers can login with their facebook account on a computer BUT my problem is that I want to add the possibility to login with FB with an iOs (or android) device.
Do you know if it's possible to use the extension I bought for that?

I am sure my problem can be solved on the FB side (I must add the module in the developer part) as I read that from FB:
"Supply us with your Bundle Identifier
Find your bundle Identifier in your XCode Project's iOS Application Target."

I must confess that I don'tknow what to do next so, if someone has found a solution, you would be my hero ;-)

Thank you for your time,
Have a nice day,

Configuration / I lost my admin password
« on: August 05, 2014, 09:12:20 PM »

I have an AbanteCart installed but I lost the admin password.

I tried to ask for a new one but it seems that I forgot to config the email sending so the new password cannot be emailed to me.

I also tried to go to mysql and change for a new hashed password but it does'nt work (maybe because I asked for a new one?)
Which protocole should I use (md5 / password ot old password)?

Have you another solution I could try except reinstalling everything?

Thank you for your help because I am lost!

Languages and Zones / Google translate API2 problem
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:33:27 PM »
I want to tell you that AbanteCart Cart is really great (and I tried almost every e-commerce solution!).

I have an issue with installing the Google Translate Extension.

I think I did everything right (paying 39$ for this extension, registering with and getting a key, configuring in AbanteCart Cart,...)
but I only get the same error message when I try to translate a text from english to french for instance.

As I think one picture is better than 1000 words, check the captures I attached.

Can you help me please?

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