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Messages - keanu_reeves

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General Support / Re: High CPU usage in abantecart
« on: January 01, 2016, 10:26:06 PM »
Please help

Configuration / Re: Photos not uploading.
« on: March 24, 2015, 10:11:15 AM »
I have not changed any thing the problem started 4 days ago automatically. I had changed the php.ini file and added these two lines cos I was having sessions problem too

upload_tmp_dir = /home/aa****ed/public_html/temp123;

Else every thing else is the same

Configuration / Photos not uploading.
« on: March 24, 2015, 04:52:28 AM »
 :( My photos have stopped uploading on 1.1.9 the Upload page has changed.
attaching the screenshot.

Support / Re: I want to move to another web hosting. What should I do?
« on: February 15, 2015, 03:29:49 AM »
what fields to take backup from PHP my admin. I just want to transfer my catagories, Manufacturers and products only.
My backup restore is giving error. When I tick
Resource Library Files
Config.php file. Note: keep backup-archive securely. File will contain "salt" for encrypting.

Please help.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'AException' with message 'Error: MySQL server has gone away<br />Error No: 2006<br />SELECT * FROM `ab_language_definitions` WHERE language_id = '1' AND section =1 AND block='error_ajaxerror'' in /home/aayu****/public_html/core/database/mysql.php:114 Stack trace: #0 /home/aayu****/public_html/core/lib/db.php(90): MySQL->query('SELECT * FROM `...', false) #1 [internal function]: ADB->_query('SELECT * FROM `...', false) #2 /home/aayu****/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php(821): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 /home/aayu****/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php(779): ExtensionsApi->__ExtensionsApiCall('_query', Array) #4 /home/aayu****/public_html/core/lib/db.php(61): ExtensionsApi->__call('hk_query', Array) #5 /home/aayu****/public_html/core/lib/db.php(61): ExtensionsApi->hk_query(Object(ADB), 'SELECT * FROM `...', false) #6 /home/aayu****/public_html/core/engine/language.php(636): ADB->query('SELECT * FROM `...') #7 /home/aayu****/pu in /home/aayu****/public_html/core/database/mysql.php on line 114

General Support / High CPU usage in abantecart
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:46:23 PM »
Hi! Did any one notice or I am the only one?
I am using Abantecart for the past 8 months and had added around 1000 products but suddenly my host suspended my account stating High CPU usage. the best thing was I had taken a c-panel backup a few days back.

I immediately Changed hosts thinking he may be a sham. and got to made a fresh install and it had zero Products. When I returned after some time also had kicked me out Please help me.

Support / Re: AbanteCart - Error
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:32:42 AM »
My website was working till yesterday
today it is giving error
here is the error.txt

Support / Re: Importing Error "Data is empty or corrupted."
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:53:57 AM »

Temporary solution is to import in Internet Explorer browser.

I have cleared all the cache. still the products are not visible and sort order is not working.

Dear llegrand
Thank you very much for your help
as you can see from the attachments that every thing looks proper in the backend but while going in the frontend something goes missing.

When I search for the product in the search box it comes under home and not under health and wellness as seen in the backend

hope every thing is visible after reducing so much size

All products not visible and Sort by is not working.

I have added 242 products thru export/import. but in the front-end i can see only 20 products
When I try to change the sort order or view that also does not change.

Please help.


E-Commerce Laws / Re: Copyright notice removal license
« on: June 07, 2014, 06:01:12 AM »
can i use it on my local site and then upload it to main website? The  whitelabel extension

Installation and Configuration / Re: Abantecart / Website hacked
« on: June 04, 2014, 01:54:20 AM »
sorry for the scare, the problem was with the hosting provider.

thanks all for your concern and help.

Support / Re: SEO URL automation?
« on: June 03, 2014, 03:27:55 AM »
@llegrand thanks for your help but some thing is going wrong.
I have installed version 1.1.9 via softaculous
I am using / testing the inbuilt data
when I start SEO URLs and I change the htaccess.txt to .htaccess
nothing happens

and have to Go to Catalog -> Products -> Data -> Seo Keyword
and click on generate.

and since yesterday my website has been hacked. I changed all the directories all the passwords even the hosting password but it gets hacked after half an hour of new instalation.

Installation and Configuration / Abantecart / Website hacked
« on: June 02, 2014, 10:25:59 AM »
I installed latest version of abantecart via Softaculous and was looking at all the features. then suddenly it stopped working. I saw the main page and it was defaced by IRAQ CYBER ARMY
I deleted all the files changed all the passwords my hosting and database and AbanteCart admin and even the directory for the admin. and again within 2 hours my website was defaced again.

Can you please tell me what to do so my  website does not get defaced?

thanks in advance

Support / SEO URL automation?
« on: May 28, 2014, 10:53:47 PM »
Dear I need seo url to rewrite my as aayurvedayogadotcom/category/product
but when I
Go to Catalog -> Products -> Data -> Seo Keyword
and click on generate i get URL as

Can we somehow automate the step Go to Catalog -> Products -> Data -> Seo Keyword

without editing url_aliases
and get the urls as aayurvedayogadotcom/category/product

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