« on: May 14, 2017, 12:28:45 PM »
Admin front:
1. Navigate to Catalog -> Products -> Choose One Product -> Edit -> General
2. Configure Price as 50.00. Click on Save
3. Navigate to Promotions -> Specials. Click on Add Special. Configure Price as 40.00 and click on save.
4. Navigate to Options. Click on New Option (+) button.
5. Choose Size from - Add New Option - select box. Click on Add
6. Click on Add (+) button under Option Values.
7. Click on default radio box. Choose 30 ml from Option Value. Set Quantity 10. Set Price Modifier 0.00
8. Click on Add (+) button under Option Values.
9. Choose 50 ml from Option Value. Set Quantity 10. Set Price Modifier 2.00
10. Click on Add (+) button under Option Values.
11. Choose 75 ml from Option Value. Set Quantity 10. Set Price Modifier 4.00
12. Click on Save
Navigate to Storefront:
1. You will be able to see Product price as $40.00 $50.00. Default select Size as 30ml 10 in Stock. Total Price as $40.00
2. If you choose 50ml from the select box, you will be able to see Product price as $40.00 $50.00. Total Price as $42.00
3. If you choose 75ml from the select box, you will be able to see Product price as $40.00 $50.00. Total Price as $44.00
I want to configure different prices as per their configured sizes 30ml, 50ml and 75ml
If I will choose 30ml then
Base Price should display as $40 $50
Total Price should display as $40 $50
Product description should get changed to BeneFit Girl Meets Pearl, 30ml
If I will choose 50ml then
Base Price should display as $68 $90
Total Price should display as $68 $90
Product description should get changed to BeneFit Girl Meets Pearl, 50ml
If I will choose 75ml then
Base Price should display as $72 $110
Total Price should display as $72 $110
Product description should get changed to BeneFit Girl Meets Pearl, 75ml