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Installation and Configuration / Maria 10.11 version anyone using it?
« on: September 18, 2024, 01:14:12 PM »
Any one using Maria 10.11 version with AbanteCart?  If so, seeing any issues?

With the change of centos to either AlamaLinux or CloudLinux  there are some small differences.  But the biggest one is the Maria was 10.6,   and now the leap is to 10.11.

General Support / Re: Few Questions For New Project
« on: September 05, 2024, 10:03:43 PM »
Hey Sam,
I sent you a DM  using the email link on your post.  Please watch for it,  I believe we might have some ready to go solutions for you.

Lee  ( with WHY2 support)

Built-in Features / Re: Increase of number of characters
« on: August 21, 2024, 03:55:22 PM »
Hello Hani,

It is a function of the responsive design -  it will appear in total in some screen sizes, see the image attached.

The solution is to add a wrapping function on those fields,  so if the space is narrow,  the text will wrap.
If you need help log into your WHY2 account and ask us to assist. Remind us what cart version you are using.

Lee at WHY2

a suggestion until a new solution becomes available.
have you thought about altering the product page of the discontinued item - saying it is discontinued  and changing your description with a link to the similar product??

Or perhaps  use a blurb -  with that info also?

One small thing to know about that -  it is just moving the AbanteCart -  if you have a site that has been operating you may have emails accounts etc.   those will  need handling.

Most host will transfer all to your new domain  location with new IP for free.  Check with your new host and see if that is something they will do.

If you don't care about moving the emails accounts,  then those steps will work.

it maybe a typo in your post,  but the latest version of that extension is 1.2.2

If you are having issues with an extension purchased in MarketPlace you need to contact the developer of that extension for support
there is a handy link in the above page to do so.

New Features Discussion / Re: Shipping per product
« on: June 14, 2024, 07:02:16 PM »
As I 10+ year user of AbanteCart and supporting a large number of clients on the platform,   I would suggest core devs think long and hard about adding ANOTHER level of selection on a product page -   it will make it more difficult for all users and a bit a a problem if one shipper is not available -  eg,  Product with UPS ground forced to the Product,  but UPS does not service the destination,  what are the alternatives for the customer to select from??    eg 2,  with other shippers in other countries you are seriously complicating the whole shipping process.   As you know core devs.  WHY2 has extensions for enhanced FedEx, UPS, USPS, AusPost,  CanPost,  etc.  So we speak from years of experience with many shippers in different part of the world and with many AbanteCart users that we support.

I have clients that use FedEx, UPS, USPS, FedEx Freight and large commercial truck lines (RLTL,  Yellow ,etc  and they have no issue getting the order shipped in the best way by using those settings. In addition there is individual shipping by product for what ever reason it needs to be ,  size, wt,  fragility??

At the current time there are many ways to control what size of product  can be shipped using a shipper by invoking the thresholds in each shipping service.

vsdoug,  please do a little more testing with the various settings that can be enabled already to control which shipper based on some parameter.

Or post back some of the different wt and sizes of a few products that you need to control the shipping that is offered.

Support / Re: help with currency
« on: June 13, 2024, 11:38:00 PM »
how is currency shown in your country?  I asking do you use comma  or periods in the normal  formatting  for anyplace a price is sused  not just in your site

Support / missing address info
« on: June 11, 2024, 01:02:32 AM »
in 1.3.4 version  there is missing address info on the invoice.  see my attached images for what I am seeing.  They are from the AbanteCart demo site.

The system settings seems to ignore the fields for city , state, postal code on the invoices.  If I add the missing info into the address field then the contact us is doubling the the info.

Please fix this for 1.4.0

New Features Discussion / Re: Product Options
« on: May 28, 2024, 01:45:33 PM »
Hello,   Nuno was using the default options,  not a third-party.   

With that said,  we gave him a solution that will work for him using the default options.   He was unfamiliar with the difference between global attributes for standardized options to be used with many products  and individual options that can be set up one to one with the product options tab. 

His concern was if he had a global called length,  if he added a stand-alone option called length it would affect all of them.  That is not how options work.   Admin needs to add any option either global or stand-alone to each Product option tab  -  and if affects only that product.

Perhaps this will assist other admins to understand how the options work within the default coding.

Cheers to all
The WHY2 Support Team

Extensions and Add-Ons / Add new address button to checkout pages
« on: May 24, 2024, 11:46:06 PM »
in all cart version since adding Fast Checkout (which we really like)  there is one enhancement that would add a lot of clarity to customers buying on the Fast Checkout. 

Not all customers,  especially stores with middle -age to order customers ,  are fluent in icons.
My client admins all complain about their customers not being able to understand how to add an address alternative,  not edit an existing one  when they are in the checkout process. 

If you run the process as a customer you will see the current EDIT button ONLY takes you to the page to edit and EXISTING address.  Yes,  there is the right pane with the Manage Address Book,  however  most customer do NOT understand then need to be in the Address Book  to add another address.

We would like to request that you add  both the New Address and the Edit(with text)  buttons on the checkout process.
The ones that are in the Address Book.

Please refer to the attached image.

Thank you in advance for considering this.    We, as developer of extensions and service providers to AbanteCart admins,  have been making those adjustments to save our admins from customer confusion and complaints.  Hoping you will find it a positive improvement in the new 1.4.0

General Support / Re: Terms & Conditions Checkbox
« on: May 09, 2024, 02:57:54 PM »
Change the wording so it says something that indicates the READ the agreement and accept  with a link to the agreement within the line.
That holds up legal well at least in the US.

You might find insight to this on:

General Support / Re: Terms & Conditions Checkbox
« on: May 09, 2024, 01:04:32 AM »
In System > Settings > Checkout     middle of the page  find Account Terms and checkouts Terms
Select from the dropdown which you want to use,  including NONE

Customization help / Re: Dropdown Sub-Category
« on: March 26, 2024, 10:14:49 AM »
FYI  all users.  Core devs  have a useful PHP version chart posted here:

General Support / Re: Inability for customers to add items to cart
« on: March 25, 2024, 01:07:04 PM »
I just did a little clicking around on your site,  and here's what I found -  wolfs, prints-16/20 and other when you click on them  show this wrong URL

I did not search them all,  just saw enough to see you have a error.  Start by getting all the links to go to the correct url

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