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General Support / Re: Product Tags - how best to use
« on: September 23, 2013, 10:29:45 AM »
Checked out your link -  yes  I see that you've gotten the tag, employed as part of the url.  That works nicely -  I tried doing a Google search for the term and you are right -  it works well,  goes right to your site, etc.

So can you provide some direction in what to do to make it work like this? 


I am running 1.1.6 version,  with the html5 template.

I have installed the PayPal Express checkout extension from the extension store via my admin panel.   I have enabled the api and tested the link.  All that is okay.

Here's the problem - the buttons that say Checkout end up at a failure notice
PayPal Express Checkout Error
Error has occured during request. Please try again later.

This is the result on every location -
   checkout from the drop down in under the header
   Checkout link within the header
   even the checkout link on the cart page

IF I use the Checkout with PayPal button  or the Check out with BillMeLater as shown on the /index.php?rt=checkout/cart page it works correctly.

My questions are:

Who do we contact about extensions in the extension store that don't work?

And what do I need to do to get the checkout links go to the correct link?

It looks like the links for checkout icon go to /index.php?rt=checkout/shipping

and the link that works correctly goes to index.php?rt=extension/paypal_express_checkout/set_pp

Thanks for your help in this manner -

General Support / Product Tags - how best to use
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:09:08 AM »
Within the Product -general tab there is a Product Tags field -  it says this:

        'Product Tags: tags that this product has been given by administrator users'

This instruction doesn't give me enough information on how best to use this feature.   
What are the parameters of the tag field? spaces, no spaces,  can it have more than one tag,  delimiter is comma?  etc.

Are the tags used in any search functions by customer shopping on site?

Thank you for your help.

General Support / deleting install folder
« on: September 15, 2013, 12:21:22 AM »
I have just completed my initial installation.   The instruction to delete  ....public_html/core/install   is problematic.

I do not have file  ....public_html/core/install   in my directories.   I do have ....public_html/install, but it seems to perhaps have some files that I shouldn't delete.

Guidance on rather the instruction received in the header of the Finished screen  just has the wrong file name and I should delete ....public_html/install.

Thank you for your help.

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