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How-to questions / Add list of products's categories to product page?
« on: August 28, 2020, 12:43:17 AM »
I would like to add a block somewhere on the product page that is a list of categories and subcategories that the product has been tagged with, ideally with each category being a link to that category's page.

So, for example, if I have a jacket that I have categorized as "Outerwear" and "Seasonal" and "Clearance", there would be a list of those 3 categories on the product page, displayed in the same sort order as used in the menu hierarchy, which each of the category names being a link.

I think it would be a great way for customers to find other similar items based upon categorization.

Thank you.

Good evening,

I don't use the description field in my design. I use Blurb instead.

So how do I include the contents of the Blurb field by default on all searches?

Thank you.

I've enabled a data listing block for categories to appear in the left column, but the problem is that it only shows the root (top level) categories, but I need it to show all subcategories as well.

Basically, my number of subcategories has grown to the point that only having them part of the dropdown menu can be cumbersome depending on the device/resolution you are using, so I want a persistent list of all categories and subcategories along the left side.

Basically the equivalent of the left column of the site map page.


How-to questions / How to remove specific sort options?
« on: August 16, 2020, 01:40:59 PM »
Good afternoon.

I am not using reviews/ratings on my store, so I want to remove the "Rating Highest" and Rating Lowest" options from the sort dropdown. I cannot find this in the settings anywhere.

Also, just about every question mark icon in the admin interface that is supposed to link to external help takes me to a page that says "Nothing matches your search". Why are those help icons there if there is no help for those items? Has the documentation just taken a back seat to development or has it been abandoned?

As much as I like the software itself, the help and external documentation is unfortunately almost nonexistent, at least as what ties in directly to the admin interface as opposed to articles.

Thank you.

There's a couple of different places I'd ideally like to display the number of products/items currently available in the store.

1. On the site map page, after each category/subcategory link, put "(XXX items)" unlinked, where XXX is the number of items in that category including subcategories.

2. On the home page I would like to display a total quantity of in-stock items in the store at the top, ideally to the right of the cart summary box.

3. In the menu and dropdowns, similar to #1, displaying the number of in-stock items in parens after the link.

Thank you.

Good evening,

I am still running 1.2.12 and would like to "get current" to 1.2.16. The current version was installed via Softaculous in cpanel.

Is it simply a matter of upgrading through Softaculous or is a fresh install required?

Obviously I want to retain all my products, categories, and settings.

I  know that manual edits I've made to php files will have to be manually re-edited.

Are there any best practices to make the upgrade less painful?



While I was waiting to see more, I cloned my existing storefront to a test subdomain, and started incrementally updating AbanteCart, from 2.12 to 2.13, 2.14, etc. Everything went fine until the last update from 2.15 to 2.16. Upon executing that update, all attempts to access the storefront or admin pages result in a server 500 error.

I'm running PHP 7.3.6.

In an effort to streamline data entry and product creation, I would like to either hide or move to the bottom of the page, those fields that I do not plan to move.

Are there any recommended best practices in this regard? I assume the only way to do this is to edit the code in one of the .tpl files. Is that correct?

Thank you.

Is there an easy way to disable/hide the white "View" band with an i icon that shows up any time you hover over an image on a category page or home page? It's distracting and completely unneccessary, since clicking on the thumbnail image opens the listing page anyway.

Thank you.

New Features Discussion / GDPR Opt-in popup?
« on: May 13, 2018, 07:38:18 PM »
Are there any plans to create a GDPR cookie/personal data opt-in popup functionality for AbanteCart? It's 12 days until GDPR goes into effect, and I'm surprised that there's no discussion anywhere on this forum, given the number of EU-based participants here.


I couldn't figure out how to do this in the admin: How do I get cumulative cost and price (worth) totals across the entire product catalog? It seems that some sort of inventory reporting mechanism would be useful, including category subtotals. For example, if you wanted to see how much the items in Category X cost you or what the asking price was for all items in Category Y.

Thank you.

New Features Discussion / Adding new products one after another
« on: March 04, 2018, 11:59:49 AM »
I wasn't sure which category to post this in, as it could be support, a new feature request, or a customization issue.

This is more of an interface streamlining question.

When I have added a new product and have made my way through the tabs for that product and I'm ready to move on and add another product, I am forced to go back out to the product catalog list page because that is the only place the "+" button to add a new product lives.

Being forced to jump back out to the product listings page is an unnecessary extra step. What would be very helpful would be to have that blue "+" button to add a new product be visible within the individual product interface, regardless of which tab I was currently on, so when I'm ready to move on to the next product, I can do it from there.

Or if there were a way to have the "+" button also exist outside the product interface. For example, the icon row at the very top of the screen, is there any reason that one of the icons there couldn't be to add a new product? It would save time when working on the inventory.

Is there an easy way to accomplish this?

Thank you.

Not sure if this is possible or how complex it would be to implement. If this feature already exists, my apologies but I did not find the appropriate settings in Admin.

Rather than displaying categories in menus, the site map, etc., based upon a manual setting in Admin, it would be great to be able to show/hide categories and subcategories dynamically based upon whether there are in-stock products assigned to them.

This would make managing storefront display much easier, as when a category gets sold out, it simply disappears from the store front until such time an active in-stock product is assigned or re-assigned to that category.

Thank you.

How-to questions / How to add product quantities to category pages
« on: January 05, 2018, 12:51:21 PM »
Doing a search on this forum finds that this question was asked as early as 2013, but I cannot find that it was ever addressed.

On category pages where subcategories are shown, how do I display the number of products within each category next to or below the subcategory link?

I'm not talking about variations or options, just the number of discrete products within that subcategory and its subcategories, i.e., recursive total?

For those storefronts with a large number of categories and subcategories, this is useful for the customer when shopping.

Thank you.

AbanteCart resizes all product images to make them perfectly square and pads either the sides (for a vertical image) or top and bottom (for a horizontal image) with white. My product images all have black backgrounds, so this does not look good.

How do I change it so that the image resizing uses black instead of white for the padding?

Thank you.

Support / Newbie question: global layout changes
« on: December 29, 2017, 11:41:37 AM »
Good morning,

I've installed Abantecart v1.2.12 and thus far I like what I'm seeing... however I'm finding something rather nonintuitive: How do I make a change to ALL page layouts, e.g., global changes to the header or footer areas?

Changing "Default Page Layout" does nothing, which was the first thing I tried, thinking that changes madethere would filter outward to all other pages.

Am I going to have to manually make all my customizations to all of the page layouts one by one? I hope not.


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