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Messages - yonghan79

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General Discussion / What is the upcoming new version of AbanteCart?
« on: April 25, 2024, 12:50:37 PM »
Hi core devs,

I would like to ask what is the upcoming new version of AbanteCart?

Is it 1.3.5 or 1.4.0?

I looked in GitHub for 1.3.5 but i cannot find it anymore.

And if it is 1.40  will there only be the BS5 and the new Novator template supported?

Also what is the expected date of release for the next version?

Please advise.


Development Help Needed / Change PayPal message
« on: February 22, 2024, 01:08:15 PM »
Hi Basara,

We are making an extension for payment via invoice after admin adds actual shipping charges -  having issue with hook into PayPal Commerce to let me change message on the fast checkout success page.

Sending you a PM with details.


General Support / Re: default wt based for 1.3.4 Issue
« on: January 29, 2024, 10:49:01 AM »
Hi core devs,

The error is triggered when we set product fixed shipping along with the default weight shipping.

I tested with PHP 8.1.27.

i create an upgrade.php file and add it in the config file like this:

Code: [Select]


Hi core devs,

I have a folder that contains uploaded files that was placed under extension folder (extension_name/files), and i want to move the folder and files to a new location (under image folder) during upgrading the extension.

But when i try to upgrade the extension, i found out that the folder is removed.

Is there a way to copy the file and the folder to a new location during the upgrade routine so they are not removed?


General Discussion / Re: v133 config.php format changes
« on: May 10, 2023, 11:02:16 AM »
I tried to clone an updated cart v1.3.3 from v1.3.2 via Softcaulous and it fails.

I check the config.php, compared with a new v1.3.3 install and find out the config.php format are not the same.

v1.3.2 is using define('DB_DRIVER','amysqli');

v1.3.3 is using const DB_DRIVER = 'amysqli';

Also upgrading from v1.3.2 to v1.3.3 does not update the config.php file. This is not using softaculous.

When i change change the define to const, i can clone the website.

My questions are:
1. Why is it changed?
2. Is using const a permanent change or may change in the future?
3. How do we know that there is a change for the config.php format? in case we need to make adjustment again for the clone works.

General Discussion / v133 config.php format changes
« on: May 10, 2023, 08:08:28 AM »
Hi core devs,

I have several questions about the config.php file changes in v1.3.3.

1. v1.3.2 is using define while v1.3.3 is using const? Why is it changed?
2. Is this a permanent change or may change in the future?
3. How do we know that there is changes for the format?

The changes cause us unable to clone updated cart version from prior v1.3.3 to v1.3.3 via Softaculous.

General Discussion / TinyMCE v6 for AbanteCart v 1.3.4
« on: April 05, 2023, 11:18:01 AM »
Hi core devs,

We see TinyMCE 5 reaches end of support April 20, 2023. 

Are you planning on moving to TinyMCE v6 for AbanteCart v 1.3.4?

On params, you just need the rt. loginname, password, api_key(optional) should be in body.


Please try to pass the the username and password from body.

Hi core devs,

It seems that we need to have all of the blocks filled AND turned ON in the footer section of Bootstrap5 template  for the presentation to  look nice.

Is that a bug or it is coded that way intentionally?

Please look at the attachments.

Development Help Needed / How to get layout based on route?
« on: October 27, 2022, 06:46:36 AM »
Hi core devs,

Is it possible to get which layout was used based on the route that the customer was on?

I mean like rt=checkout/cart that means the layout that was called was Cart Page.


Hi core devs, i believe i have found the cause and the fix.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Where should i send the files to?

I have sent you another PM. Please check.

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