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Pages: [1]
Templates / Removing Storefront Top Sub Menu
« on: February 19, 2013, 03:12:06 AM »
I want to get rid of the Special Offers / Bookmarks / Sitemap / Keywords buttons at the top of the default template but can't find where to remove these in any of the admin options. Can someone please direct me as to where these are located?

Templates / Deleting Resource Library
« on: February 19, 2013, 03:08:52 AM »
I'm using the default template and want to add resource images to my library, but it's currently so full of images from the default cart that it's annoying nto have to skip to the last page each time i want my own image. Is there a way to delete these images that I'll never use, other than one by one?

I own a small store that will be selling locally only (fresh meals for pickup), so I don't need any of the information in the Localization tab - is there a way to get rid of all that excess (countries, etc) that I'll never use?

Pages: [1]

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