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General Discussion / Attributes and Options
« on: September 22, 2016, 07:16:45 AM »
creating a site with approx 2000 products. All products have a set of options. There are 5 different sets of options. The options in a set never vary.
Is there a way, once set in Global Attributes or another method, that once assigned to a product, the individual options are automatically included without having to add each one individually?

Product A: Global Attribute "weight" :  Options: 1 lb, 2 lb, 3 lb,  4 lb  [all weights need displayed, these never alter.]
Product B: Global Attribute "Color" : Options:  Red, Green, Blue [all colors displayed,, never alter]

Fresh Installation / Re: Accessin admin panel
« on: December 09, 2015, 04:02:22 PM »
that seems to have worked.. Although I still getthe "session" message on the top of the  login page ,..I ignored it and sign in was completed, took to an operational admin panel (dashboard).

Thanks, I'll up date as goes...

Fresh Installation / Re: Accessin admin panel
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:53:22 PM »
2015-12-05 16:35:26 - App Error:  AbanteCart core v.1.2.5 Your server is unable to create a session necessary for AbanteCart functionality. Check logs for exact error details and contact your hosting support administrator to resolve this error. in /...../core/helper/system_check.php on line 429
2015-12-05 22:28:13 - App Error:  AbanteCart core v.1.2.5 Your server is unable to create a session necessary for AbanteCart functionality. Check logs for exact error details and contact your hosting support administrator to resolve this error. in /...ngstore/core/helper/system_check.php on line 429

Fresh Installation / Accessin admin panel
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:07:11 PM »
the following series of events and conditions have occurred on a fresh install.

cannot access the admin page :
via the /admin redirects to /index.php
via the /index.php?s=my admin key code..  login page is shown with the error message  "Your server is unable to create a session necessary for AbanteCart functionality. Check logs for exact error details and contact your hosting support administrator to resolve this error."
submitted problems to host tech staff and the results were:
The sessions in your account is fine. There is no server side issues. You can check the sessions functionality at . Also, there is no error log for reported issue at . The issue appears to be with the AbanteCart application itself. We do not provide support for third party applications. I suggest you to contact your application vendor regarding this issue.
Please advise..thanks

Fresh Installation / Re: WON'T INSTALL
« on: December 18, 2013, 02:02:48 AM »
doesn't matter..Tried using proper credentials [as used in setup of DB] andit kicksme back to theFirst install page[license agreement]. Other variations result in sign-in error --make sure host, db etc are correct.

Fresh Installation / WON'T INSTALL
« on: December 16, 2013, 07:53:41 PM »
Uploaded AbanteCart to host, get as far as the completed signin for DB, Admin, then get cycled back to initial admin install page, had tech'sat host company try install same problem.HELP ??? ???


Installation and Configuration / Re: trouble displaying images
« on: August 07, 2013, 04:12:04 AM »
I'm not a programmer but when I'm getting  the following error message missing at a high rate, a few need uploading, however verified the others in relation to below

2::warning    chmod(): No such file or directory in /hermes/bosoraweb096/b2470/ipg.webspecialbiz/core/lib/image.php on line 72

[my images pics are located in]  /resources/images/myImages

(also a having a problem w/UPS)

Installation and Configuration / trouble displaying images
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:02:00 AM »
Finally got the Products with images CSV import to work properly without any errors.  However,not all my images are being displayed. about 15%of themare either representby a blue Image Icon, Blank Outlined box, or a colasped image area..yet the name and pricing is there..Any one with an idea?  (same format used on all).  Additionally, the information I pulled directly from a fully functional CubeCart installation (UPS) is not working with AbanteCart.

How would you go about removing the BESTSELLERS and SPECIALS sections that follow LATEST section from the body of the website?

Template Support / resize add to cart button, buy buttons
« on: July 11, 2013, 06:41:57 PM »
how would you resize the "add to cart" (buy) buttons...they a re microscopic for a a shopping cart (Default template)

Missed that., thought  from sample product wasn't necessary forit wasleft open/blank in csv. I had been concentrating on resource_descriptions[0][0][0].language_id      = 1 and resource_descriptions[1][0][0].language_id      = 1 .....Thank you, I'll be over in the corner of shame, working on a new csv file. 

inserting products.csv after making column additions/data per documentation,.getting " Missing relation ID language_id for update_or_insert action in table product_descriptions. Skipping." After import attempt. Products do not show up in storefront. ( i did create an 'action" column with "insert" in cell data ) any idea how to fix ?

Fresh Installation / Re: Can not Install session warnings etc.
« on: July 03, 2013, 03:47:34 AM »
Hosting Techs, resolved issues,and installed package for me.

thank all for their help

Fresh Installation / Re: Can not Install session warnings etc.
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:39:24 PM »
Here is the host-server info along with the response from their tech. (  I tried downloading from, and uploading the fresh set of files,..... no change)

Platform Type:
MySQL Version:
Perl Version:
PHP Version:

I was able to replicate the issue, while installing the application at <> after the third step , it will return to the license agreement page. Looks like the issue with the script. Please try to re-upload the installation files from the local backup and check once again.
If you have any further questions, please update the Support Console.

Arpitha J
Technical Specialist

Fresh Installation / Re: Can not Install session warnings etc.
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:22:10 PM »
Thanks,  ipage host took care took care of modifying php file for me,

Then next problem was configuration. Abantecart Installation guide kept telling me "ERROR-Database does not exist"even though it did. Hosting tech's even ran mine and created own db to verify.. Now once all the information is loaded in the configuration step and continue is selected, I get looped back to the License agreement page. ( Yes, I accepted the agreement) ??????  Cleared browser cache and cookies and re-tried, same problem occurred.Downloaded a freshcopy and upload the files/folders again-same problem.

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