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Support / abantecart
« on: June 07, 2016, 12:56:51 PM »
extension of payment more used in Brazil is called

I believe that with the help of abantecard developers to develop this exteção payment for the currency "Real Brazil" growth abantecard grow in a big way in the Brazilian market, as most marketers online shops are seeking to make use of prestashop, OpenCard and wordpress-Woocomerce ease of payment extension of use using the most widely used pagameto module called xxxmercadopagoxcomxbr before Paypal


the MercadoPago API

We offer a robust and flexible API so you can integrate MercadoPago the best way that suits your business.

What is?

It is an Application Programming Interface (Application Programming Interface) that allows you to exchange information with our platform.

How it works?

You can request information on payment or your account balance for example, using HTTP (similarly to a browser).

For example: "I want to know my account balance"

For this, you should go to:

And get an answer like this:

    "User_id": SEU_ID_DE_USUARIO,
    "TOTAL_AMOUNT": 1000,
    "Available_balance": 1000,
How can I use the APIs in my application?

Make a call to the previous programming language that you use in your platform and receive the response with the data.

We have a set of tools to assist with their integration, including SDKs, modules for e-commerce platforms and OpenSource applications for testing.

If you want to know more about the architecture of our APIs, you can find information on design considerations.

Support / Re: I need Brazilian Portugue PT_BR Brazilian currency
« on: June 07, 2016, 12:32:59 PM »
Thanks for the quick response, but from what I obserdado This extension is out of date and moreover came comentarios forum that Masma not being compatible with 1.2.7 and 1.2.8. :'(
It is that it is breaking the paging and deselvolvedor not responding email community. and the first and single developer's reply would ralizar upgrade to a newer one. but so far he has not returned the customer dinhieiro ..
I would be grateful if you mediate for us reslover this survey ..

Thank you :)

E-Commerce Laws / Re: Copyright notice removal license
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:20:28 PM »
Thanks  tested its operation. i moved to custom name after reading this post. I already know this method, but conform exactly where the AbanteCart. Thanks to AbanteCart team to conform to the change wen Powered by text for custom text and link.

excellent, congratulations my dear friend!

Worked perfectly.
I not modified anything beyond what you teach ..
I was certain amount of skill on your part ..
I thank you for myself and for all the group.
Thanks for your time and do my best regards
NitroSat ;D

Support / I need Brazilian Portugue PT_BR Brazilian currency
« on: June 05, 2016, 11:39:29 AM »
Good terde my friend!
   I wonder if the eta extension has already been addressed is whether it is compatible with AbanteCart Version 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 need this extension . and, if possible, I need your help to install so that there breaks on my website ..
this only works in older versions
ID Extension: brazilian_portuguese_language
Extension latest version: 1.2.0

Solved the problem of white space in my footer!
When I was trying to remove the paypal donation button I was thinking it was through the XML instead of going directly padão layout templates, then tried just comment out the line, but logical that it would not work, but I did not.
So unwittingly I left the line with the sign / * without closing with \ * in this way was with a small blank space in the footer ..
but reading this forum could remember what was the file (footer.tpl) I avia moved a day before ..
Thank you my friend

Resolvido o problema  do espaço  em branco em meu Rodapê!
Quando eu estava tentando remover  o o botão doação paypal eu estava pensando que era através do XML ao invés de ir diretamente em modelos de layout padão, então tentei apenas comentar a linha, mas lógico que não daria certo,mas eu não sabia.
Então sem querer eu deixei a linha com o sinal /*  sem fechar com \* desta forma ficou com um pequeno espaço em branco no footer..
mas lendo este fórum consegui lembrar qual foi o arquivo(xml) que eu avia mexido um dia anterior..
Obrigado my friend

General Support / Re: How to remove the donate button ?
« on: June 03, 2016, 02:19:29 PM »
ótimo para mim deu certo remover o donate.
Mas e agora como posso criar um botão donate para arrecada dinheiro para o abantecart em meu site e repassar os valore para os revendedores? ;D

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