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Built-in Features / Increase of number of characters
« on: August 21, 2024, 12:58:27 PM »
Hello to all

 I want to increase the number of characters  in the shipments field, see attached image, and it is by increasing the varchar of the field and i changed it from phpmyadmin. I changed it to VARCHAR(60) and it works in the database but it seems that it should be changed from the extension page and how can i do that.

Thanks in advance

General Support / Re: changing default on length and weight
« on: April 05, 2022, 06:45:12 AM »

Also regarding the length, width and height fields in version 1.3.2 is a mandatory field how can set these field not to mandatory.
In some cases i need to show my customer the length and width and don't need the height

General Support / Re: Abantecart V 1.3.1 on multistore
« on: November 09, 2021, 08:35:09 AM »
In the database the categories are to second store but in the admin panel i don't see them, for both stores i see same categories

General Support / Re: Abantecart V 1.3.1 on multistore
« on: November 08, 2021, 01:25:00 PM »
I would like to add that i checked the categories in the database tables and they are there and correct and cannot see why the are vanished [do not appear] on the second store

General Support / Abantecart V 1.3.1 on multistore
« on: November 08, 2021, 12:16:37 PM »

I have 2 stores with my abantecart and upgraded from v1.2.16 to version 1.3 and then to 1.3.1 and the subdomain store [the second store] categories are not found in the admin panel and also not working on the actual site

Please help me with this issue

Extension Support / Re: Extension Weight Based Shipping problem
« on: April 06, 2021, 07:37:20 AM »
Issue solved it was a server side issue


Extension Support / Extension Weight Based Shipping problem
« on: April 06, 2021, 04:53:23 AM »

I use the "Weight Based Shipping" extension and was trying to update the prices in the database and when i click the save button i get the below error

There has been a critical error processing your request
SQL Error: Incorrect key file for table './XXXXXXX_aban_bcc/abc_settings.MYI'; try to repair it
Error No: 126
SQL: DELETE FROM abc_settings WHERE `group` = 'default_weight' AND `key` = 'default_weight_1_rate' AND `store_id` = '0' PHP call stack: #0 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/lib/db.php:100 #1 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php:1176 #2 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/extensions.php:1127 #3 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/lib/db.php:67 #4 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/admin/model/setting/setting.php:294 #5 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/extensions/default_weight/admin/controller/pages/extension/default_weight.php:48 #6 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php:293 #7 /home/XXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/dispatcher.php:328 #8 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/page.php:108 #9 /home/XXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/router.php:176 #10 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/core/engine/router.php:80 #11 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/index.php:94 in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/core/database/amysqli.php on line 119

Support / Re: Fast Checkout
« on: February 12, 2021, 06:52:43 AM »

From what i can see is that fast checkout does not include the shipping cost specifically when there are more than one shipping option.

I have attached screenshots of the Weight-Based-Shipping extension but to see it more clear go to my website >> add small items to cart >> if the total weight is less than 2kg you can choose different shipping costs.

my website is
i stopped the fast checkout extension.

Support / Re: Fast Checkout
« on: February 12, 2021, 01:35:43 AM »

See attached image when fast checkout tested

Support / Re: Fast Checkout
« on: February 12, 2021, 01:15:01 AM »
I just checked it and what i see is that in some cases the cost off shipping is not included in the Fast checkout payment

Support / Re: Fast Checkout
« on: February 12, 2021, 01:08:05 AM »

I use default_weight for the shipping method no 3rd party and for payment

In the default_weight i have split in 3 categories, there is Economy shipping, ECO post Shipping and EMS shipping and when the customer adds to cart he has the choice to choose which method and cost if with the weight range and this has been working fine.
What i noticed that Fast checkout is working correctly but the was one case that this happened

Thanks in advance for checking

Support / Fast Checkout
« on: February 11, 2021, 10:26:59 AM »

I recently activated the fast checkout extension and got a sale but the the customer was charged with the subtotal of the order.
I use 2checkout as our payment processor and the customer was supposed to be charged $64 + $19 for shipping, total $83 instead he was charged only for $64

General Support / Multi store menu
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:35:45 AM »
Hi Everyone

I have a multi store setup one for retail sales and the second is for wholesale sales both working great but and i need to set the menu to show different links on each store.

Here is what i want to do:
On the retail store to show a link to the wholesale store and on the wholesale store to show a link to retail store

I searched how this can be done but cannot find out how to do it.

If it is not possible then it will be a good idea to add this feature

Thanks for the help in advance

Thanks for your reply.

here is the code how made it
    //2. check mysql driver
       // $sql = "SELECT TABLE_NAME AS 'table_name',
               //table_rows AS 'num_rows', (data_length + index_length - data_free) AS 'size'
            //FROM information_schema.TABLES
            //WHERE information_schema.TABLES.table_schema = '".DB_DATABASE."'";
      $sql = "SELECT TABLE_NAME AS 'table_name',
      table_rows AS 'num_rows', (data_length as signed + index_length  as signed - data_free as signed) AS 'size'
   FROM information_schema.TABLES
   WHERE information_schema.TABLES.table_schema = '".DB_DATABASE."'";   
        //$result = $this->db->query($sql,true);

Note that i had to last line i had to remove, if kept it does not solve the problem.
Now with this code the error message is gone

Thanks again

Mysql version is 5.7

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