AbanteCart Community

eCommerce construction => General Discussion => Topic started by: artwalls on October 02, 2012, 05:11:19 PM

Title: Error message in alerts/admin panel
Post by: artwalls on October 02, 2012, 05:11:19 PM
Hello there, can anyone help me with this message
AbanteCart engine cannot find value of language definition with key "code" in /home/artwalls/public_html/AbanteCart/storefront/controller/common/page.php line 30 (rt=index/home). Please add it manually in this link of control panel.

I am no code wizz, so I dont have a clue what I am to change, that's when I find line 30,,,,,,

Thanks in Advance
Title: Re: Error message in alerts/admin panel
Post by: abantecart on October 03, 2012, 08:28:55 AM
What this indicate that you have missing language parameter "code". It can be add language entries in system -> Localization -> Language Definitions.

What is strange that you are missing "code" entry that is important in the language.
Did you do any modifications?
What language do you use?
What is the core version?
Title: Re: Error message in alerts/admin panel
Post by: artwalls on October 05, 2012, 06:10:14 AM
Hello There, sorry for the late reply, I have been busy with work.
I have not modified this in any way what so ever, and still see the English when I open the site in admin or online,,,,
I believe the version is 1.1
 2 x messages
message 1 = AbanteCart engine cannot find value of language definition with key "direction" in /home/artwalls/public_html/AbanteCart/storefront/controller/common/page.php line 31 (rt=index/home). Please add it manually in this link of control panel.
message 2 = AbanteCart engine cannot find value of language definition with key "code" in /home/artwalls/public_html/AbanteCart/storefront/controller/common/page.php line 30 (rt=index/home). Please add it manually in this link of control panel.

Any help would be great

Thank you
Title: Re: Error message in alerts/admin panel
Post by: abantecart on October 05, 2012, 08:30:24 AM
Did you get any error during installation? My guess language installation failed. When you install AbanteCart version 1.1 language installation process can take up to 1 minute. Possibly you refreshed the page and it failed.

I suggest you try to install AbanteCart one more time. Delete prior installation.
Title: Re: Error message in alerts/admin panel
Post by: artwalls on October 05, 2012, 09:28:36 AM
Hello, nope there were no problems during the instal, and these messages appeared only last week, and that was after I had started to stock the site with products.
I am wondering if that is were the problem is, as everything is working fine I think !
Thanks for your reply, and what I may try first is deleting some of the last products that were installed and see if the messages go away. Failing that I will do a re-install.
One question when I do a re-install I take it that everything I have done so far will be lost ?

Title: Re: Error message in alerts/admin panel
Post by: artwalls on October 05, 2012, 09:31:53 AM
Okay, strange as it may seem, these two messages have gone from the admin panel, and I have not done anything to help them go ,,,,hmmmmmm