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General Support / Size of banner
« on: December 10, 2018, 10:14:55 AM »
Hi I am about to make a graphic banner for my site so can someone tell me what it the perfect pixel size 1100 * 360 ? or something else?
Also when I add banner I still see blue color on both sides I want my banner to be stretched out end to end so which css do I need to modify?

General Support / number of files exceeded
« on: October 30, 2018, 04:48:55 PM »
Hi I am hosting my site on godaddy and they have limit of maximum 250,000 files and AbanteCart cart has used 250,033 files and now I am not able to add any product in my cart or login to backend to clear cache. Can you tell me which files to delete my site is down. also how to avoid this situation as I think I am doing something wrong there can not be 250k files

I also noticed one strange thing inside thumbnail all my folders has index.php file that has this <?php die('Restricted Access!'); ?>  just one line.

General Support / Question about login name on forgot password
« on: October 03, 2018, 06:13:20 PM »
I think this is a bug V 1.2.11
We have turned off settings->checkout->Require login name so on our site customer don't need to enter login name they use there email address as their login name and it works but when they click on forgot password it asks for login name and email address customers really get confused here I think it should only be email address right?
code comes from \storefront\view\default\template\pages\account\forgotten.tpl Line 27 but I don't know how to catch that particular line as this is made via for loop
         foreach ( $form['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
         <div class="form-group">
            <label class="control-label col-sm-4"><?php echo ${'entry_'.$field_name}; ?></label>
            <div class="input-group col-sm-4">
                <?php echo $form['fields'][$field_name]; ?>
Can you tell me what to edit here as I can't upgrade to v 1.2.13 as there are many core files changed and I think this will be small fix
Any help is appreciated

General Support / php version list
« on: September 28, 2018, 11:55:33 AM »
Hello everyone
Is there a list of php versions supported but each versions of AbanteCart (I know it says requires minimum php version but I am looking for all the php versions)
I am using 1.2.11 and it works on 5.6.30 and I need to upgrade it so can someone tell me whether it will work with 7.1.9. I have implemented it locally on XAMP and everything works fine but before I make any changes on server I need to be sure.

General Support / auto send emails after few weeks
« on: September 24, 2018, 12:44:06 PM »
Is there an easy way to trigger emails after 4 weeks of purchase.
I would like to email customers to review my product after they have received it with some custom text and coupons. If not can you guide me how can I start developing which controllers, files, conditions to look for etc.

General Support / Import issue
« on: September 07, 2018, 04:56:14 PM »
Hi I imported 4,269 products from a csv file
in dropdown I selected product table and then selected fields
my CSV file only had status, SKU, product name, cost, sell price and manufacture so I mapped those fields and clicked on load it was completed without any errors in error log.
this is the file that was generated products_import_1.txt and it says this:

2018-09-08 2:15:30 - Error: Missing images data array for products.
2018-09-08 2:15:30 - Processing record for product Macallan 10yrs 2798 .
2018-09-08 2:15:30 - Created product 'Macallan 10yrs' with ID 2110
2018-09-08 2:15:30 - Error: Missing images data array for products.
2018-09-08 2:15:30 - Processing record for product Ciroc Coconut 2799 .
2018-09-08 2:15:30 - Created product 'Ciroc Coconut' with ID 2111

Do I need to have an image because I don't see image as a required value.

Task has been completed
Import Process has been completed. 4269 row(s) processed.
For more details see log file products_import_1.txt

after it says 4269 products have been loaded I do see them in products table and manufacturers are inserted in their table and I can see those manufacturers in store admin panel but I don't see them in catalog->products can someone help me
I have cleared browser cache and system cache. Version = 1.2.12

General Support / when is a record created in table custom_lists
« on: July 02, 2018, 05:10:57 PM »
Hi I see some products in custom_lists table can someone explain me when a record is inserted in this table.

General Support / listing product condition
« on: June 28, 2018, 05:38:01 PM »
I am using v 1.2.11 and I have a listing product block that works fine but when I add custom products into the block via admin it also shows products that are turned OFF is this a bug or it was meant to be this way?
I think you should only display all the available products with status ON.

General Support / Turning content page off still displays content
« on: June 14, 2018, 01:03:18 PM »
I have a content page and I display few products along with some other texts at the bottom. so I have text on my content page and in layout I added two blocks one is product listing and other one is html text.
Now I turned off my content page but still if I hit the url I see product listing and text at the bottom. I have to manually go and turn those block off. Is there a setting where I can turn off the complete block in one click. I know I can delete the content but I will be reusing it next month thats why.

General Support / how are image url created?
« on: May 31, 2018, 06:46:01 PM »

I am using AbanteCart 1.2.11 and while pasting url to Facebook or sharing it to twitter I don't get product images rest everything works fine.
on my website when I view page source I do see that <meta property="og:image" content="//" />
and there is image on this path.
I think issue is with content as it starts with //www.. You think I need to add https before that? if yes then how?
another strange thing is when I share my website on 'whatsapp' it does pull the correct image so the issue is only with facebook and twitter
Note: I am using share_button extension that populates og tags and thats how it is working on 'whatsapp'
in code of seo_pack there is this line $fb_image = $root_image['thumb_url'];  so I believe he is using abanteCarts default thumb_url so can someone suggest me how to change abanteCarts default url so that path can be "" or "https://www.websitename/image"
If you think there is different issue then let me know maybe I can try that
In my settings->store details I have store url as and secure url as
Can someone help me with this?

General Support / Tier Pricing for some products
« on: May 29, 2018, 11:28:09 AM »
Hello, I am sure abanteCart does this but I am not able to achieve what I want. I want to display prices for larger quantities I did read the documentation here but it wont show tier pricing on product page. Is there any other way to do this?

I want to display different prices  like
1-5 $10.00 each
6-10 $9.50 each and like wise

General Support / Getting twilio error
« on: April 17, 2018, 06:35:43 PM »
Hi I am getting twilio error
A 'From' phone number is required. in /home/gwp0elo/public_html/extensions/default_twilio/core/lib/Services/Twilio.php on line 297

It was working fine till now locally I have just uploaded on server and it is throwing this error
\extensions\default_twilio\admin\controller\responses\extension\default_twilio.php  line #43 has my number is there any other place where I am missing?

General Support / block my website for some country
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:24:50 AM »
Hi is there any way inside abanteCart where I can mention some countries and it will block those countries.
I don't wanna edit .htaccess as this will be big list if I keep adding Ip's. I can contact my hosting and ask for solution but I thought maybe AbanteCart has something inbuilt already?
I have read about this feature that I can allow shipping to particular zipcode can someone guide me to that documentation on how to achieve that?

Support / twilio extension throwing error
« on: April 04, 2018, 11:43:44 AM »
I have changed the default from number which was +155... to my twilio test number now I get error
Connection to Twilio server can not be established.
The 'To' number +14... is not a valid phone number..
Check your server configuration or contact your hosting provider.

My number is valid but it should be From +1 4.. not 'To'. Can someone help me to change the test setting of number 'To' 
I have made changes \extensions\default_twilio\admin\controller\responses\extension\default_twilio.php  line 43 and 52 and updated it with my number
\extensions\default_twilio\core\lib\default_twilio.php  line 47 and changed it with my number where is the setting for 'To' so I Can add my mobile number there

Customization help / Add to cart pop-up
« on: March 26, 2018, 09:35:31 AM »
Hi, I am trying to add a functionality where I need to add a pop-up when they add a product to their cart. Right now on phone there is no way new customer would know that product is added to their cart other than CSS color change. I just need help with which file to start editing with. I am planning to show the cart module when they click on add to cart button showing this is your cart now with button to continue shopping or checkout.

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