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Extension Support / PayPal Payments Pro doesn't appear
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:33:10 PM »
I configured it right and tested the API credentials and it's all right.
But when I activate the pay method it is not showed in the page "payment information", I mean,  the customers can not choose to pay using the method.
Could anyone give me a piece of advise?
Thank you all!

General Support / Links redirect to strange pages
« on: December 13, 2013, 06:08:45 PM »
Hi, i'm having troubles again...
I already posted a couple of topics saying that the page didn't load the css.. then, it solved by it self, and now it happened again! :(
I'm trying to figure out what is going on, and watching deeper i found that the pages loaded when i click a link in my page (these are the pages with no css applied), have a different destination... let's see if you can understand with an example:

When I click a link in my page, it goes to:
This page has no css applied

The correct destination for that link is:

And when I copy and paste that address in a browser, i can see the page correctly.

So, I don't know why i have this destination added: "/index.php/customer/account/storefront/view/default_html5/javascript/"
And don know how to remove it.

I'm totaly confused! may it be that someone is hacking the code?
Please help.. :(

General Support / Second Product Discount
« on: December 12, 2013, 07:09:18 AM »
Hi, it's me again  ;D
I'd like to know if there is a way to use in the web store a discount we're currently offering in the real store.
The situation: A client buy 2 products.
The discount: The cheaper one gets a 50% discount.

Can we achieve this?

General Support / Problem with total calculation
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:50:21 AM »
Well.. i had already found this problem, but had found also a walkaround...
The thing was that the totals had diferente cost in one place and in another..., after asking here in th forum, i decided to disable the shipping cost, and changed the taxes type from % to $, and used that tax as a shipping cost.
Well.. after all this, now I need to be able to have items with free shipping ,but as i said, i was using a tax as shipping cost... so..., i had to turn shipping on again, and had to use the taxes in its primary function... but I still have the problem!
I know my English is no too good... so i'm sending you two images, it sais more than 1000 words...
Hope you could find the problem.

General Support / Page doesn't load CSS
« on: December 07, 2013, 03:06:17 PM »
Hi, i have a really big problem, suddenly the page doesn't load the CSS!!
The file (style.css) is in the correct place( I mean it wasn't moved by accident)
It's just that... until i could solved it, i switched it to Maintance Mode..
Hope you know what's going on...and how to solve it.

Support / Taxes added twice
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:14:08 PM »
Hi, I'm just begining with AbanteCart..
I'm having problems with the total calculation in the cart block. It adds twice the taxes (22% in my case), but just in the block, when yo go to checkout all the values are correct, and everything works fine.
Sorry for my english, i'm fromm Uruguay.

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