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Topics - evolancer

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General Support / AJAX ERROR - when WWW. isn't in URL
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:44:50 PM »
Under the settings: I have my full-site URL set too: "www .mysite. com" but when I'm typing in "mysite .com" into a browser its not redirecting it to  www .mysite .com with the "www" added in. This gives me an UNKNOWN AJAX ERROR when adding products to my cart. Is their a fix for this or is AbanteCart aware of this issue.

I'm also on the HTML5 Template if that helps.

Support / Menu *ONLY* Shows up in Latest Chrome Update?
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:15:30 AM »
Has anybody else had this problem with their website Menu?

I'm using the HTML5 Template

1. In internet explorer my Menu shows up just fine.
2. I went to Google Chrome and my menu wasn't showing up. When I refreshed the page it flashed my menu but then it disappeared.
3. After some troubleshooting I updated Google Chrome and now my menu is showing up. I'm worried my customers might not have the latest version of chrome and my menu will be gone when they visit my website.

Has anybody encountered this before? Is it because I added menu items to my website that my menu will only show up in the latest version of chrome?

Tips and Tricks / Change Header to Bacgkround-Image CSS Not working?
« on: August 31, 2014, 04:04:41 PM »
I have been successfully able to change the header colors on my website but unable to change the header to a background-image.

1. I'm modifying the style.css file.
2. The picture is of a single plank of wood. I'm repeating the image: background-repeat: repeat; in the header section of stye.css
3. I checked my linking for the background-image(/public_html/storefront/view/default_html5/image/woodgrain.jpg); and it appears to be correct.

Anybody have a successful example or quick way to fix this problem?

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