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Personally, I think it's a little unfair to expect the core Abantecart developers to develop every little thing for every little country or situation.  At the end of the day, people who use this are using FREE, open source software.  Either learn to code or pay someone a high enough amount to develop a custom extension for your situation.  If no one wants to do it, either you're paying too low or it's not possible.

I really would NOT want the developers to work on items which benefit a few custom installs since it takes away time from something else and as someone with kids, job, working with this as well, time is always limited.

I believe a lot or all of the Devs also have full time jobs as well so I'm guessing a lot just do this on the side as well.

On the Guatemala Quetzal, there are about 16 million people in TOTAL in ALL of Guatemala.  There is over 29 million in Texas alone (1 US state).  Like with Apps on Android or IOS, don't waste time on 1 off solutions which benefit a small population.  Your time is valuable and I hope that the core developer's time is spent on things which benefit the whole userbase of Abantecart.

Support / Re: URL to the image in the resource library.
« on: August 11, 2015, 02:10:40 PM »
Hello Webdevmerc, thank you, I also have to work like that and it's not a problem for me... but I wanted to use this cart for customers for whom I build their websites and they need an easy way to manage their images. AbanteCart doesn's seem to be ready for them...

I don't know if this is really an issue with Abantecart personally  Since I have full access, it doesn't bother me...but, if you use eBay, Amazon or any other marketplace or website, do they let you know where their images are located?  Probably not.  The reason it's done this way is beyond my own skill or knowledge of how web or e-commerce apps should be guess is probably security and other benefits I don't know.  They probably also don't want the directory browseable.

It's also "dumbified" for the average consumer so I wouldn't say Abantecart isn't ready for them, rather, they (your avg customer) should just learn to work within the framework provided.  All IMO of course.

Sorry for the late reply

I tried that button but newsletter block is still there.

I am able to remove block from front page by editing template files in block folder but when we click the contact us button then newsletter block turns back. But I want to remove it completely not just from front page

thank please give me suggestion

You need to remove it from EVERY block, not just the "Default Page Layout".

Under Design >> Layout, in the 2nd drop down, adjust each one such as: Homepage, Checkout Page, Login Page, etc....

Support / Re: changing status of mandatory field
« on: August 08, 2015, 06:42:17 PM »
Thank you, i had seen this post before. But i could not find the create.tpl file on : 
The path seem to be different on my version...

some clue ?

On my version (1.2.3):
find . -name create.tpl

There is no out of the box or built in Indian payment gateway.  With enough money, I'm sure someone with the skillset would be willing to develop it.  I'm guessing most users here don't need it so that is why there is little discussion here.

Maybe it'd be easier to post a requirement for this on some consulting boards to see if anyone is willing to develop one for you for a fee.

AbanteCart is open source so I think it helps for people using this program to understand that unlike canned package software which you buy off the shelf, it takes a little work to get it working the way you want.  Maybe it's just me, but some of the recent posters don't seem to understand that basic concept and to do a lot of your own research first.

Good luck in your search to fund a PayUMoney extension.

Support / Re: URL to the image in the resource library.
« on: August 08, 2015, 09:46:27 AM »
Images are generally stored in ~/public_html/resources/image/ folder.

What I do is just NOT use the resource picture clicker and just upload my own pictures in my own directory structure and then, I know where what is where...

I seem to get to the website just fine.

Support / Re: Help! Problem after automatic upgrade to 1.1.2
« on: August 07, 2015, 06:43:56 AM »
Hi Experts,
I was installing it again and i got that output buffer is not ok its showing red color but i am able to install the cart with same memory allocation error.

This probably won't help you since you are on VPS and I am on shared hosting, but I had the output buffer red check problem.  I edited my local .htaccess file and added this and the red error message went away...Worth a try I guess.  When you have initial install problems in general, it may cause future errors so it's good to nip these early ones first as they may cause other issues that are not so obvious.

Add to .htaccess:
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/<YOUR DIR>/public_html

Found from google searches and here as an example:

Support / Re: Help! Problem after automatic upgrade to 1.1.2
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:54:40 PM »
Did you get all the green check marks when you were starting the installation from the webpage part?

Support / Re: shop time not correct
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:55:32 PM »
I wanted to ask if maybe this is just working as it should actually.  Playing around a lot of with it, from the Orders page, if you open an order detail, you see:

<SAMPLE> (Time is 1 hour off)
Order Summary
Order ID:    #28    Order Status:    Processing
Customer:    Test Customer   E-Mail:
Date Added:    08/03/2015 01:46:14 PM

However, if you click on the "Status and Comments" tab, I see that the time in the Transaction Timestamp is correct:
Customer's order comment
Order id: 28
Charge id: sd_234HJKFSD8F9389234234
Transaction Timestamp: 08/03/2015 12:46:31

Is everyone else's website working in this manner?

TL:DR - Is the admin tool info is based on the server timezone and some fields based on the timezone setting?

Thanks for any clarification if things are just operating normally here.

From the customer's dashboard, the order is 1 hour ahead as well.

Support / Re: shop time not correct
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:58:14 AM »

I have had this time issue with my site since I started.  Since it doesn't seem to affect many other people, I'm probably just missing something simple...That said, my store time is the same as my server time, but off by 1 hour from my desired php.ini timezone setting (date.timezone = "America/Los_Angeles")

Orders come in the same as the server time and checking phpinfo shows the timezone of Los_Angeles is there, but the time for the order is still off by an hour in Abantecart.  Just wondering what else I can check to fix this.

On a shared server so using:
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/USER/public_html
<Files php.ini>
order allow,deny
deny from all

Not sure if it's an issue with Daylight savings time or timezones or if there is another settting in Abantecart I am missing.  I have looked through all the localization settings in Abantecart, but don't see if anything can be changed.

try html a tag

Thanks for the pointer, but I tried this in various formats, but something seems to be stripping out all the html formatting (it will also remove it in the email afterwards and be blank)...

I have looked at the folder storefront/view/default/template/pages/account/invoice.tpl, but wasn't sure what is causing it to dump all the html code.

If I pasted a shipper tracking url there, it doesn't seem to be clickable and just has the text from it.  Is there a way to format it so it is clickable for say, tracking info?

Thanks for any tips.

General Support / Re: Cannot read copied database for new install.
« on: August 02, 2015, 04:12:43 PM »
Thanks for sharing!  and all your general help to the community!

General Support / Re: Cannot read copied database for new install.
« on: August 02, 2015, 03:00:04 PM »
Is there a reason why my default database prefix is abc_ ?  I don't think I set one up, but see the update (from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3) had ac_ in the notes / script.

Was just curious.

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