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Read here:

change most and near all messages in System - Localization - Language Definitions

Just search for "We are currently performing" in translation...edit as needed...

You can change this and a lot of wording type messages in:
System -> Localization -> Language Definitions

What I do is just put some of the text in that email in the "Translation" box and search for the email wording and change as desired.

Repeat for other messages, etc...

I was just wondering if there is a way to remove/hide the old provided shipping or billing address if someone is paying by Paypal?  If you checkout normally and fill all the buyer info, you get a payment option choice for all your enabled payment options (maybe ideas to hide Paypal here?).

If you click on the "Pay with Paypal box" prior to checkout, you go to Paypal right away and don't have to enter another address.

I am trying to eliminate the usual problems of multiple provided addresses in an order and where to ship something.

Thanks for any ideas/tips of where to look.

General Support / Re: Products Showing More than Once
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:30:13 AM »
Maybe this can just be reclassified and submitted as a sort bug since that seems to be the actual problem.

The arrow keys on product pages are utilizing the default sort preference, not the setting based on the "Sort Products as default by:" setting on the admin tool.

If you go to this link first and use the default sort option, page 2 won't have the problem anymore.

General Support / Re: Products Showing More than Once
« on: June 07, 2015, 09:58:33 AM »
I am playing around with your site and am wondering if this is due to a sort preference?

For example, when I click on your link, I see the Sweet Pea, but if you look at the sort preference of the linked page in your message, it is sorted by A-Z.

When you click on Page 2, it's sorted by Default making the Sweet Pea pop up again.

If you select sort by A-Z on Page 2, the Sweet Pea is not there anymore making me think that the Sweet Pea item was added earlier, but the sort preference is changing when you click from Page 1 to Page 2 making it look like the items are duplicated when they probably aren't.

If you keep using the same sort preference, the items don't seem to duplicate anymore.

Hmm, playing around with my site, I think the "bug" is that if you sort by a preference OTHER THAN default, clicking on page 2 puts your sort preferences BACK to default causing some display problems to pop up.

Support / Re: STATUS STOCK
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:02:19 PM »
I think to control whether to display the "Quantity" field, that's under System -> Settings -> General: "Display Stock:" On/Off

For the Out of stock status:
It's controlled at each product level so under Catalog -> Products -> Edit -> General -> "Out Of Stock Status:"
Pick the one for that individual item.

Customization help / Re: how can i change the search field words?
« on: June 01, 2015, 08:58:11 AM »
I've found that a lot of the general "text" wording can be changed for the site if you go to:
System -> Localization -> Language Definitions

For this one, search for "Keywords" in the translation field and it should pop up what field to change...

Payment Modules / Re: Stripe Questions
« on: May 31, 2015, 04:12:38 PM »
Hi Gordon,

Thanks for responding!  I read a few of your messages on Stripe, but other than your posts, I haven't seen much others anywhere.  Maybe it's a bit too simplified and it just works so no one has anything to say.

Thanks for confirming that the "test mode" is done on the stripe side as I suspected.  I was a little confused since on my Abantecart console, it always say "Connect with Stripe (live)"...even if my Stripe dashboard is on test or if I click on the Stripe (test) one in Abantecart.  (eg: When I click on the "Connect with Stripe (test)", it still lights up the blue "live" one so I wasn't sure why).

Testing a purchase does put it in the "test" area of stripe though so it seems to be working.

In regards to the webhooks, is it actually the "Connected" applications tab?  I don't have anything in the Webhooks tab in my stripe dashboard.

Thanks again for your help and sharing!

Payment Modules / Stripe Questions
« on: May 30, 2015, 07:20:30 PM »
Just wondering if other people have setup and used the Stripe Payment extension?  I have read all the docs I could find here I believe, but wasn't sure where I can get more info as to what's happening behind the scenes?

Also, I am not as clear as to how to force it to use the test environment vs. the live environment.  It doesn't seem to give me a choice or much fields for configuration.  This is good and bad I guess.  I set it up by just following the info in the guide, but I don't have a place to put the stripe keys in Abantecart as I see in some of the docs.  I just clicked on the "Connect with Stripe" button, entered my Stripe info and that was it.  In the Additional Settings tab, I only see disconnect Stripe and Connect with Stripe (live).

I can change my stripe account to be live or test and it seemed to funnel my test payment transaction to the test area (I assume this is how you actually control it)...but wasn't sure if Abantecart has a setting as well.

I will spend more time reading the stuff on Stripe's website, but just wanted to see if what I am seeing is normal.

I WAS able to send a test purchase using stripe payment and it all looked ok from my end and I see the payment on my stripe account in the test area, but wasn't sure if there was more to configure in Abantecart.  Also, om the Connected Apps section of Stripe, I see Abantecart ( as the connected app.  I assume this is normal?

Thanks for sharing any links to read more and general info.

Upgrade / Re: Core upgrade to 1.2.2 failed.
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:58:21 PM »
Yeah, I did the same thing as you...clicked upgrade and got the same errors.  It's just not supposed to work yet...since I'm not live, I just blew my existing site and re-installed the latest version...problem solved. :)

Upgrade / Re: Core upgrade to 1.2.2 failed.
« on: May 26, 2015, 01:48:16 PM »
I don't think the upgrade version is available yet:

What about older versions?
Core upgrade from 1.2.1 to new version 1.2.2 will available shortly. All extensions for prior 1.2 should be compatible with 1.2.2

Installation and Configuration / Re: Creating custom install
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:50:43 PM »
You'd have to check with your ISP, but I can install directly with shell (linux) access (mostly moving files, but you can probably also use ftp or copy to move the install package there too) and when I configure it on the web interface (without using cPanel Softaculous, I can just check a box to not autoload any of the sample data...

Yes, I've tried clearing the cache in both the system and browser...

From looking at the database and the resource_description and other tables, it seems to sort the images by when that entry is added into the database so if one picture is imported before another (I don't know how it gets the order), then your pictures will show up in a random order.

That said, a work around that may help everyone else here is that you can specify the "sort" order before you do your product data import so if you just specify in your import spreadsheet for field:

"resource_map[1].sort_order" (and any other image you might have)

as the order you want, then you can control what it does and the image order without having to manually click on hundreds of items to remap them all.

As you may have thousands of images, this can save you tons of time if you ever had to rebuild your site from scratch or if you are loading and deleting things during development and testing...

Ok, I found where I can change it as I was not clicking on the product "title" tab where I can put a sort number to display them in a certain order.

Does anyone know where this is stored in the DB?  I can change the number manually in resource_map, but it doesn't seem to update the picture in the product and overall store page.

Thanks for your time and ideas.

Support / Default image sort order in products and sorting images
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:39:44 AM »
Did the recent upgrade remove the option to sort images in the product media tab?  I remember being able to do that in maybe version 1.1.8, but didn't see where to do it in 1.2.1.

Also, I was trying to figure out where the default sort order of images occurs in the DB and it seems to be based on the database entry in the resource_map table and when the row is initially added.  However, changing the sort entry in that table only changes the image order in the Media tab in the admin tool, but on a product and overall page, it still shows the old order.

I can unlink and relink the image and that works, but would take too long to process hundreds of images.

Does anyone have any pointers as to where to look?  I thought the image order was based on filename originally, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Sorry if this has been asked before, I but I searched and didn't see anything and old topics show the old method working.

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