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Extension Support / extension store - unable to view larger images
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:27:17 PM »
Hello,  I know that the extension store is "managed" by Algozone.   But here's the issue I am finding,  I can only find Templates on   So if I want to explore additional extension - it has to be by going thru the Dashboard to the extension store.  That is okay,  BUT  once one clicks on more information about an extension  it's impossible to enlarge an image to determine what it might be able to do.   All browsers,  FF, Chrome, IE  give same results   

I've a attached a partial screen shot so you can see. The same results occur on all places for enlarging the image.   

There are some extensions that I have interest in,  but am hesitant to purchase as I can't determine by the extremely small amount of information rather it will do what I want to do.   I am reporting this here since this is the preferred avenue to get to the extension store - thought you might like to know.

Thanks for whatever help you can provide here.

General Support / deleting/removing a multi store
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:12:41 PM »
I tested adding a mutli-store location.   Now I need to delete/remove a store from the line-up in the admin panel and all of it's associated info within the databases.    But can't find any way to do that on the admin panel.  Directions please.

I did find another question on this from early Sept,  but it remains unanswered, so there's at least two of us who need help.

Thanks for your help -

General Discussion / Re: mail list management
« on: September 27, 2013, 11:44:06 AM »
Didn't think about that as a solution.  Will check it out.  Thank you.

General Support / Re: ck editor spelling check missing
« on: September 26, 2013, 06:15:35 PM »
Yes!  that got the spell check working in the editor boxes.   

Thank you.

General Support / Re: ck editor spelling check missing
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:58:11 PM »
Here's a screen shot to show what I am asking here.   You can see that the Description box does in deed use the the browser spell check.   But the Content box with the Ck Editor   doesn't pickup any typos -  I have purposely added several with the box.

Interestingly,  this board  does use spell check within this box  :)

General Discussion / mail list management
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:49:37 PM »
Here's what I need to accomplish:   
Let's say list A is ALL customers (ones who signed up themselves)
List B and C are further refinements I have added to various List A customers for specific marketing purposes.
               list B is customers designated for Monday
               list C is customers designated for Tuesday

I want to send newsletter to only List C customers today,   tomorrow list B,  sometimes List A.

Is there a way within the existing 1.1.7 product to further separate the customers list?  Is it possible to make a subcategory within the customer groups?   or perhaps to add a customer to two categories?   If I add extension for customer attributes will that help accomplish what I want?

Or do I just add all those customer groups as I wish upon approval,  and then choose ALL the groups when I want to send to LIST A  -a bit of a sledgehammer approach.

Template Support / grammer on Newsletter success
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:24:01 PM »
In testing the new Newsletter signup  there is a grammatical error on the /index.php?rt=account/subscriber&success=1  screen
  It says -
 You has been subscribed successfully!

Correct grammar would be
  You have been subscribed successfully!

This was found in 1.7.7,  html5 template

General Support / Re: ck editor spelling check missing
« on: September 25, 2013, 10:41:41 PM »
In running ckeditor in other applications - I have found there are several ways to install,  but under the latest stable version of 4.2 and maybe one or two earlier versions,  spell check within the editor is only available on standard and full or with a customization option, which is pretty easy to do.

Or as your citation shows it seems to disable the native spell checker by default. 

Where is the editor installed within Abantecarte?

General Support / ck editor spelling check missing
« on: September 25, 2013, 12:36:53 PM »
I notice in the text editor portion  there doesn't seem to be spell check enabled.   Is this an oversight or some issue due to all the language support?

For those of use keyboard challenged,  spell check would be good for content.


Just so everyone knows -  support at abantcart is terrific.

Thanks for tracing this down for me.

I have one question -  there was a bug fix file a couple of days ago -  is the extension in the extension store using that fixed version  or should I continue to upload the "fixed" file?   I intend to start another location from the testing site.

thanks again for great service!

I don't know what you mean?

Where is that file located? 
FYI  this is on my dedicated server box  -  I can give you direct access,  FTP  or Cpanel  if you would like

this is not a working site,  but a test site to see if this carte can work out.

;Use this file for specific PHP settings on your server required for AbanteCart.

magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
register_globals = Off;
default_charset   = UTF-8;
memory_limit = 64M;
max_execution_time = 18000;
max_upload_filesize = 100M;
safe_mode = Off;
mysql.connect_timeout = 20;
session.use_cookies = On;
session.use_trans_sid = Off;
session.gc_maxlifetime = 12000000;

Thanks for the location -  here's the log info from when I first reported the issue -  I believe the ones on 9/22  are prior or during the bug fix.

The ones dated 9/23 are from today after the bug fix file was uploaded.

2013-09-22 2:40:13 - database error:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: MySQL server has gone away<br />Error No: 2006<br />SELECT *
               FROM ant_messages
               WHERE id = 'global-search'
               AND language_code = '*'
               ORDER BY viewed_date ASC in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-09-22 2:40:13 - database error:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: MySQL server has gone away<br />Error No: 2006<br />SELECT DISTINCT
                    st.alias as store_name,
                    s.value as status
            FROM extensions e
            LEFT JOIN settings s ON ( TRIM(s.`group`) = TRIM(e.`key`) AND TRIM(s.`key`) = CONCAT(TRIM(e.`key`),'_status') )
            LEFT JOIN stores st ON st.store_id = s.store_id
            WHERE e.`type`  IN ('extensions', 'payment', 'shipping', 'template') in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-09-22 2:46:03 - database error:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: MySQL server has gone away<br />Error No: 2006<br />SELECT DISTINCT
                    st.alias as store_name,
                    s.value as status
            FROM extensions e
            LEFT JOIN settings s ON ( TRIM(s.`group`) = TRIM(e.`key`) AND TRIM(s.`key`) = CONCAT(TRIM(e.`key`),'_status') )
            LEFT JOIN stores st ON st.store_id = s.store_id
            WHERE e.`type`  IN ('extensions', 'payment', 'shipping', 'template') in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-09-23 17:59:01 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 18:00:06 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 18:02:02 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 18:03:02 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 18:07:12 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 18:08:35 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 18:11:36 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 19:14:12 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 19:21:32 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 20:04:02 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 21:25:00 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>
2013-09-23 22:03:27 - warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/why2cent/public_html/store/extensions/paypal_express_checkout/storefront/controller/responses/extension/paypal_express_checkout.php:1) in <b>/home/why2cent/public_html/store/core/engine/controller.php</b> on line <b>201</b>

Yes,  the first issue stated that the PayPal Express was successfully installed and tested.  It has been tested again after this new file was uploaded.  Test reports success.

I don't know where the error logs reside.

I have PMd you additional site info so you can see first hand, what I am encountering.

thanks for the help

I have downloaded and installed the new file in the correct location - still seems to be an issue

If I choose any of the paths to get to the checkout - it takes me thru what seems correct -
header cart goes here:

header checkout goes here:

It then works thru the appropriate guest or login etc.  Ending on the confirmation page

But once you get to the confirmation page,   it goes to a blank page here:


I have tried refreshing the extension info  in the extensions, but it had no change.

Please supply more guidance in any necessary steps required to enable new extension file rather simply replacing the file in the correct location.

This is a test account only,  so feel free to test an order, etc.

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