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Configuration / Re: add lang (rus)
« on: September 21, 2012, 06:09:23 AM »

What is your AbanteCart version?
After enable rus language in System - Localization- Languages did You see russian laguage in languages dropdown menu (in header)?

Also if set default language in System-Setting to rus changes will be visible for new sessions only.

Support / Re: popup image size
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:30:11 AM »
The fix will be soon in release AbanteCart 1.1.0
Popup image size setting will be in Admin->System->Settings->Appearance>Large Window Preview

Support / Re: Multiple Image issue with IE
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:19:05 AM »
Thank you for report.

Issue will be fixed in next release

Extension Support / Re: UK Shipping
« on: August 31, 2012, 01:42:53 AM »
Bet youre getting fed up of answering me :P

Right, what the problem is this time is that I cannot get shipping working. I want it to change depending on the weight.
I have added UK to the Locations, with the Zones. I have enabled Royal Mail and Weight Based Shipping shipping but when I do a test for Checkout it just displays "Error: No Shipping options are available. Please contact us for assistance!"

Everything is set to Location: UK and it is all Enabled

I have PayPal set to Location: UK and that shows fine. But its just the shipping that doesnt.

I dont know where I am going wrong.

Please help me :'(


I just check with in AbanteCart v1.0.4 and it works fine on my side.
few questions:
* when You enable Weight Based Shipping did you setup rates for UK in Additional Settings?

* when You enable Royal Mail did You select any Royal Mail servises?

* your products have Requires Shipping enabled setting? and weight?

* when checkout did You use correct Uk address?

see screenshot with worked Royal Mail & b]Weight Based Shipping[/b] AbanteCart 1.0.4

General Support / Re: Subcategory SEO Does no work?
« on: July 09, 2012, 08:53:10 AM »
Hello there team,

I noticed, on my installation of abantecart 1.0.3

SEO does not work on Sub Categories?

Hi. Do You mean 'SEO Keyword' fileld problem? It is already fixed in AbanteCart next realise version.
If Not - please provide more details.

General Support / Re: Product Price / Cost Text Box acting weird
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:56:55 AM »
However yes, as for the Indian Rupee. yes I selected INR as the Default currency for the store. and then deleted the remaining currencies. still i faced the issue, on first order (the amount went from 22k to 22 only) :(

Kind Regards,

I am just check this and cannot replicate on latest 1.0.2 version

Try to clear abantecart cache (Admin-System-Cache) then Logout from admin panel and login again.

General Support / Re: Product Price / Cost Text Box acting weird
« on: June 19, 2012, 06:31:28 AM »
The "price textbox" this is a bug and it will be fixed in ABanteCart 1.0.3 version.
About the currencies - did You set Indian Rupee as default currency before delete all others?

Thanks for report.

General Discussion / Re: Add new Location.?
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:58:47 AM »
In Localization -> Locations -> add new Location

I want to add a Location of country with all zone. How?
What does it mean, if I chose country, and chose zone is none?

When You create new Location, for example "UK location" in the "Localization -> Locations -> add new Location"
You should go to "Location Zones" Tab and click "add" button . The "Insert Location Zone" page will appear - select country UK and select zone, for example "Bristol". add "Location Zones" as much as you need for UK location.
Anyway if leave "Zone" value "--none--"  - this will Not work.

Note: You might not include all zones because some UK zones may be offshore and require a higher shipping rate.

Also try this manual


Thank You

Extensions and Add-Ons / Re: Insert Language
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:29:20 AM »
Installed versioin is abantecart_v1.0RC1. After setting the Status ON hothing happened.

This bug fixed in 1.0.1 version - it will be realaised soon

Extensions and Add-Ons / Re: Insert Language
« on: April 25, 2012, 06:07:38 AM »
This somehow doesn't work on my webspace.
1. created: /admin/language/slovak
2. created: /storefront/language/slovak
3. defined in Admin/System/Localisation/Languages/Insert Language

Nothing happens. No new language options are added in Admin/System/Localisation/Languages

You forgot to set Status to ON.
Also what AbanteCart version do you use?

Feedback on My Store / Re: smtp doesn't work
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:12:29 AM »
Same for IMAP gmail. Not worked.

Feedback on My Store / Re: thers is something wrong with the content
« on: April 09, 2012, 01:47:39 AM »
Dear Sir
There is something wrong with the content manager module when i have search engine friendly on.

Please check it.

Best wishes.

Hello. Can You please provide more info and screenshot if possible?
Also apache module mod-rewrite must be installed on server and you need to rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess to make SEOurls worked.

please post all cookies info after your wrong page load.
Also try to replicate this with disabled firewall or antivirus.
please post memory_limit directive value from yours php.ini
If you have ability please attach session file from temp directory of php (with session_id as name)

I remember I saw this issue only once on my PC (Windows 7 x64)
I saw it only in FireFox 11.0 browser  - so I reinstall my FireFox and this fix issue.

Note: the clearing of FireFox cache doesn't solve the problem. Also I try to clear Session, Domain & Path cookies with web developer addon for firefox - not help. Even with disabled browser addons I see it.

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