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General Discussion / Re: New Customers?
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:24:07 AM »

I stumbled across this during some testing.

Shipping Modules / Re: USPS Error
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:22:17 AM »
Can you send the raw XML call that is causing the error (with username removed)?


And this would be found where?

Been doing some testing and this is a weight issue.  If I set everything system wide to either pounds or ounces and adjust weight classes and product weight accordingly, it throws the error.  If I mix weight classes the error is package exceeds 70lbs. I'm working with an item that weighs 10.25 oz. with a quantity of 7 pcs in the cart.

Weight classes when default system and usps weight is pound
Pound = 1
Ounce = .0625

Weight classes when system and usps is set to ounces
Pound = 16
Ounce = 1

According to the USPS extension, weight must be calculated in pounds

And to make matters worse, USPS is doing an API update in a few days and in Jan 2017 all legacy calls will be obsolete and not work anymore. So if there is any legacy in this extension, it will globally break.  Gotta love the Postal Service.

Ever onward with testing.

Shipping Modules / Re: USPS Error
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:53:48 AM »
Are these dimensions of actual product or the box it would ship in.  Most of my products are flat. So for example a dimension would be 1" x 6" x 1"?  Now for my shipping box, typical would be 6" x 6" x 6".

****Gave all products dimensions on test server and still get the same error.

Shipping Modules / USPS Error
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:15:02 AM »
I know this has been hashed over, but I have read all the suggestions here and across the internet and tried everything and USPS keeps returning the infamous

Error: No Shipping options are available. Please contact us for assistance!

Here's what I have done:

Weight Classes  Pound = 1  Ounces = .0625
Weight is pound universally through the whole site
All products use pound and if an item weighs 3 oz it has a weight of .25
All localization has been set to All Locations sitewide
I have username and password for Web Tools
All domestic services have been selected
Dimensions don't matter because USPS returns minimum size for stated weight(or at least it's supposed to)

Any other place I might look or things I might try?  USPS API has been a thorn in my side for 15 years and before I just gave up and used UPS because there API works, but for fishing tackle it's just to expensive.

No matter what I try I keep getting this error.  Could it be that there is an SSL error from USPS?  I do have SSL so I'm wondering if this could be it.  Although on my local test server I don't have SSL and still get the same error.  I set up UPS on my local server( and it works perfect so I don't think it's that.

It's a shame USPS makes it so hard. I know others opt for flat rate, per item, weight based, or free shipping simply because they can't get USPS working. And some are well established companies not using Abantecart that pay for their IT work and have decided it's not worth the hassle.

Again, maybe I'm missing something staring at me.

Have you found the pricing quantity section in the default coding?   Or are you contemplating something different than quantity pricing ?

I want it for this

1-10       $x.xx
11-20     $x.xx
21+        $x.xx

However with the default pricing option for quantity pricing, when set up like above, it works, but shows on the product page like this

11    $x.xx
21    $x.xx

In otherwords, a customer can order 15 and get the 11-20 price with the default setup, it just doesn't show it that way.

It's more of an aesthetic thing that is clearer for the customer.

I know it's just a slight mod, but it's better to do with an extension.

General Discussion / New Customers?
« on: September 20, 2016, 04:40:51 PM »
Something I noticed about "things", when a person signs up for the newsletter, it is showing them on the dashboard and under Sales>customers as new customers. Then the admin has the choice to approve them or not.

Well, if a newsletter subscriber is approved as a customer by admin before they actually register, then they can't create a new account because A-cart returns, this email address is already in use, or something to that effect..

A suggestion for future additions is to disallow the admin from turning the customer status on when a person only signs up for the newsletter without creating an account. If the status is off, a customer that has signed up for the newsletter and then chooses to become a customer can, otherwise, they can't without having an alternative email address. Follow?

Extension Support / Re: USPS - First Class Shipping
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:33:51 AM »
also to add, USPS first class package now allows up to 15.999 ounces at the reduced rate. Anything over that *HAS* to use Priority. But if AbanteCart can't handle this, I need to know before I sink more time and effort into it.

First Class is anything up to 13 oz.  Over 13 oz. you can use Parcel Select/Parcel Post, which I think now USPS calls it Retail Ground. It's First Class type shipping up to 70 lbs.  I use these 2 services exclusively for my eBay sales and will continue to use them with A-cart.  You DO NOT have to use Priority over 13 oz. although depending on the weight it may be more economical to use Priority Flat Rate, but it is not mandatory.

General Support / Re: Where is .tpl file for homepage
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:32:11 AM »
In System>Settings>General do you have No Stock Auto Disable on or off. If it's on, you won't see your item till you add stock. If that's the case, you can add stock so it is visible and then disable ordering on the product page.

Little spooky, but once I got the right dev tools installed, cloning the default template was a snap.   v1.2 is great. I might even take the dive to create some extensions for myself that aren't out there.

Hello. Feel free to sell your extension in the AbanteCart Marketplace

I'm not a programmer per se but I bet I can figure out how to build my price break extension.

Little spooky, but once I got the right dev tools installed, cloning the default template was a snap.   v1.2 is great. I might even take the dive to create some extensions for myself that aren't out there.

Payment Modules / Re: bitcoin extension
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:31:11 PM »
You could try  The previous owners wrote code for me and helped me get it going on a different ecommerce platform. Ask them or maybe ask some of the bigger Bitcoin payment processors like Bitpay. There are others but they are one of the biggest. I think they are also international.  They may be willing to code an extension for Abantecart just to get another revenue stream.

General Support / Re: Change the order of Mobile menu list
« on: September 15, 2016, 06:32:36 AM »
I had the same problem when working with Design>Layouts. A duplicate block was created for menu items for some reason.  Take a look there and remove the duplicate block.

General Support / Re: New Zone not showing in alphabetical order
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:17:13 PM »
Did you assign it to a country?

General Support / Re: Change the order of Mobile menu list
« on: September 14, 2016, 07:36:49 AM »
Great tutorial jaysbar. I have quite a few categories and sub categories so I will be following your instructions to see if I can get a better mobile menu too.

The one thing with the mobile site that I wish they would fix or rather for now just eliminate is the top right "button" that normally gives a popup menu in most mobile sites/apps. It gets confusing having 2 dropdown menus appear.

General Support / Re: Change the order of Mobile menu list
« on: September 13, 2016, 11:30:18 AM »
That works too.

The ordering feature is great to sort products within the categories also. If someone for example clicks on Womens category, you can use the order field on the product description page to set that sort so it is the way you want your customers to see your products.

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