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Extension Support / PayPal Payments Pro doesn't appear
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:33:10 PM »
I configured it right and tested the API credentials and it's all right.
But when I activate the pay method it is not showed in the page "payment information", I mean,  the customers can not choose to pay using the method.
Could anyone give me a piece of advise?
Thank you all!

General Support / Re: Links redirect to strange pages
« on: December 16, 2013, 12:27:19 PM »
Hi Mr. Abantecart, nice to meet you  ;D
No, i don't have any custom .htaccess rewrite rule in my site.
And... i made it work just a few minutes ago.
When I clicked the links i saw an "ugly" page, and when i wrote the destination page address in the address bar i saw it fine.
So I realized that the problem was the link. What I did was to delete the LINK data at Design==>Menu - Edit Menu, save it, and then rewrite the link data and save it again. And.. that was enough  :D
I must say that there was no error in the data showed in the link entrance before i delete-rewrite it, but it's now working perfect.
Could it be a bug?
Only the time will say it... or you have any idea?  ::)
Thank you so much to all of you.

General Support / Links redirect to strange pages
« on: December 13, 2013, 06:08:45 PM »
Hi, i'm having troubles again...
I already posted a couple of topics saying that the page didn't load the css.. then, it solved by it self, and now it happened again! :(
I'm trying to figure out what is going on, and watching deeper i found that the pages loaded when i click a link in my page (these are the pages with no css applied), have a different destination... let's see if you can understand with an example:

When I click a link in my page, it goes to:
This page has no css applied

The correct destination for that link is:

And when I copy and paste that address in a browser, i can see the page correctly.

So, I don't know why i have this destination added: "/index.php/customer/account/storefront/view/default_html5/javascript/"
And don know how to remove it.

I'm totaly confused! may it be that someone is hacking the code?
Please help.. :(

General Support / Second Product Discount
« on: December 12, 2013, 07:09:18 AM »
Hi, it's me again  ;D
I'd like to know if there is a way to use in the web store a discount we're currently offering in the real store.
The situation: A client buy 2 products.
The discount: The cheaper one gets a 50% discount.

Can we achieve this?

General Support / Re: Problem with total calculation
« on: December 12, 2013, 06:48:33 AM »
Well, making some tests, I just turned off the taxes, and used both the free shipping option and the flat shipping cost and its working fine.
I think the first time the free shipping option didn't work 'cause i had something configured in the product tab.
Anyway... it would be great if someone can find a solution to the issue showed in the images.
Thank you very much...
See you around!

General Support / Problem with total calculation
« on: December 12, 2013, 12:50:21 AM »
Well.. i had already found this problem, but had found also a walkaround...
The thing was that the totals had diferente cost in one place and in another..., after asking here in th forum, i decided to disable the shipping cost, and changed the taxes type from % to $, and used that tax as a shipping cost.
Well.. after all this, now I need to be able to have items with free shipping ,but as i said, i was using a tax as shipping cost... so..., i had to turn shipping on again, and had to use the taxes in its primary function... but I still have the problem!
I know my English is no too good... so i'm sending you two images, it sais more than 1000 words...
Hope you could find the problem.

General Support / Re: Page doesn't load CSS
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:50:06 AM »
Hi again abolado... store URL value is "http : / / forever - 21 . com . uy /"... it has been working fine until now...
And.. even more important... it's working fine right now!! The same way it started to happen... it came to an end... suddenly and doing nothing..., no idea what happened..and i'm actually not very quiet  :-\
Perhaps (i hope) a hosting error..
In conclusion, it's now working, but i feel worse than when it was not working.

General Support / Re: Page doesn't load CSS
« on: December 09, 2013, 09:03:37 AM »
Hi, abolado.
Option 1: view the file by direct url.
You mean the style.css, right? Well, when i write the url just like i see it at Filezilla for example, a can see de file; but when I try to view it by inspecting the code (view source code in the context menu) and clicking the link: <link href="storefront/view/default_html5/stylesheet/style.css"> i don't see the css, i see the html without any format. It's very strange that i click the css link and i get the html... isn't it?
Well..looking a little bit deeper, the difference between both views (at the address bar) follow like this:

When I see the file with no trouble: /storefront/view/default_html5/stylesheet/style.css
When I click the link in the html: /index.php/storefront/view/default_html5/stylesheet/style.css

I don't know if it has something to do with the problem... but it's the only thing I see..
Option 2: chek permissions.

Well...  I checked it and its  644 for the css file... i think it's ok, any way i changed it to 764 just to see what happens... and... nothing happens... :(

The page was up and running, and from one day to the other... i found it with no style at all...
Thank you very much for your time... hope you could help me..

Can i back up the database just in case...? I would really hate to add al items and options... and promotions.. and user... again.. :(

General Support / Page doesn't load CSS
« on: December 07, 2013, 03:06:17 PM »
Hi, i have a really big problem, suddenly the page doesn't load the CSS!!
The file (style.css) is in the correct place( I mean it wasn't moved by accident)
It's just that... until i could solved it, i switched it to Maintance Mode..
Hope you know what's going on...and how to solve it.

Support / Re: Taxes added twice
« on: November 26, 2013, 07:25:59 PM »
Yep, that's right, no matter where i send the products, the taxes are always the same (22%..yeah... hard to believe  :-[ )
And now I realized that  I was watching the tree insted of the woods (not sure if it's said like this  :P ), 'cause actually don't need to use different taxes... I just saw the tool... and wanted to use it... my mistake!
I guess i was thinking of electronic invoices... but not really necesary for now.
Thank you all for your time... and if you want to see the web i'm working on...
Still have some details... but I think it's gonna be, at least, functional.
See you around

Support / Re: Taxes added twice
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:43:15 PM »
Ok, I appreciate a lot the time you spend on me...
I´ll try to explain better what I would like to do:
I need that the price shown in the product page and the price shown in the cart icon to be the same, but both of them with taxes included.
I walked around your page and saw what you have done.
The fact is that I'm selling clothes, and it is not used to have the prices without taxes on the web.
I hope you understood my case.. and my english :P

Support / Re: Taxes added twice
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:17:52 PM »
David, thank you so much for your answer!
Precisely,it solved the issue... but... (there's always a but) is there a way to show the final price, without having that problem?
Or should I specify that the prices don't include taxes?
And thank you very much!(again)

Support / Taxes added twice
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:14:08 PM »
Hi, I'm just begining with AbanteCart..
I'm having problems with the total calculation in the cart block. It adds twice the taxes (22% in my case), but just in the block, when yo go to checkout all the values are correct, and everything works fine.
Sorry for my english, i'm fromm Uruguay.

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